Joining the Construction Leadership Council’s Co2nstruct Zero programme
18 Oct 2022
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Today, (Tuesday 18 October 2022) we've announced we are joining the Construction Leadership Council’s CO2nstruct Zero Programme as its latest Partner.
CO2nstruct Zero is a pan-industry industry-change programme that sets out how the industry can collectively meet Net Zero and has developed an action plan to establish priorities, how progress will be measured and how industry can hold itself to account for delivery.
CO2nstruct Zero publishes a regular Performance Framework which provides a sector level dashboard of progress towards Net Zero. It tests whether industry is living up to its commitments to cut carbon using 28 metrics, linked to nine CO2nstruct Zero priorities. These include volumes of domestic low carbon retrofits delivered, amount of non-diesel plant being used, and cuts in energy used for production of key materials.
Further details about CO2nstruct Zero can be found here.
"Our partnership with Co2nstruct Zero will allow us to learn and share best practices, and push the boundaries of what we can achieve together as an industry"Andrew Kidd, Lower Thames Crossing Solutions and Outcomes Director, National Highways
We have committed to Net Zero for our construction and maintenance activities by 2040, as part of our Net Zero Highways plan. The Lower Thames Crossing is designed to be the greenest road ever built in the UK, and is a Pathfinder project, tasked with exploring ways to become carbon neutral in construction, which may get underway as early as 2024.
Ideas being considered include removing diesel from our sites by only using hydrogen or electric powered plant, and looking at alternatives to carbon intensive materials such as concrete and steel. Carbon reduction is at the heart of our procurement process, with the partners involved in building the new road incentivised to drive down emissions from an ambitious low carbon baseline.
Andrew Kidd, Lower Thames Crossing Solutions and Outcomes Director, National Highways said: “We’re proud to be a Pathfinder project, seeking ways to bring low and zero carbon innovation to commercial scale and accelerate the transition of construction to Net Zero. Our partnership with CO2nstruct Zero will allow us to learn and share best practices, and push the boundaries of what we can achieve together as an industry.”
For further information contact us at or by calling 0300 123 5000. You can also get the latest updates on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and our new YouTube channel.