Detailed examination of Lower Thames Crossing plans complete with decision expected later this year
15 Jan 2024
The Examining Authority assessed submissions from the public, stakeholders and National Highways, through written representations and 28 public hearings
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On 20 December 2023, the detailed examination of the proposals for the Lower Thames Crossing finished. The planning inspectors will now make a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport on whether to give permission to build and operate the new crossing, with a final decision expected in late June.
During the six-month examination, a panel of five independent, government-appointed experts – known as the Examining Authority – took a rigorous look at the project’s Development Consent Order (DCO) application and examined it in detail to make sure it is in line with national policy.
The Examining Authority assessed submissions from the public, stakeholders and National Highways, through written representations and 28 public hearings.
Anna Sutherland Bamber, Lower Thames Crossing Examination Delivery Manager said: “The Lower Thames Crossing is one of the UK’s most vital transport projects, that aims to unlock growth and tackle the congestion faced by millions every year at the Dartford Crossing. Our plans have been shaped and improved by your feedback, and I’d like to say thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views during our consultations or took part in the examination process. Now examination of the project has finished, the government’s team of independent planning experts are currently writing their recommendation so the government can make a decision this summer.”
"... Our plans have been shaped and improved by your feedback, and I’d like to say thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views during our consultations or took part in the examination process..."Anna Sutherland Bamber, Lower Thames Crossing Examination Delivery Manager
The hearings were either held online as virtual meetings or a hybrid in person/virtual hearing at locations close to the proposed route in Kent, Thurrock, and in London. Topics covered included:
- the need for the project, and the critical relief it will provide to the Dartford Crossing
- the design of the project including the provision of extensive walker, cyclist and horse-rider routes as well as the look of the project
- the construction impacts of the project
- the environmental effects and proposed mitigation
- the impact on local residents and communities
- land use, including the provision of two new public parks north and south of the river.
Now that the examination has ended, the Examining Authority has three months to write a recommendation report and submit it to the Secretary of State for Transport. The Secretary of State then has up to three months to make a decision on whether to grant the DCO, which if granted would give us permission to build and operate the crossing. The Examining Authority’s recommendation report is not published until a decision is made by the Secretary of State.
Our proposals have been shaped by the most comprehensive programme of consultation and engagement ever undertaken for a UK road scheme. Over 95,000 responses were considered following almost 400 days of consultation, which has resulted in major improvements to our proposals. These include lowering the height of the road so approximately 80% of the route is below ground level or behind false cutting and reducing the number of lorries needed during construction by re-using excavated material on site to create landscaping features and two new public parks.
You can find out more and sign up for email updates about the application progress on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
Read more about the process to get permission to build and operate the Lower Thames Crossing or find out how your feedback has shaped our proposals.
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