M27 schemes

The M27 runs along the south coast between Cadnam and Cosham in Hampshire and connects Portsmouth and Southampton along the Solent.

Project information

Upcoming maintenance projects listed alphabetically by road name.

M27 junctions 5 to 7 concrete overlay

Concrete roads make up almost 400 miles (4%) of England’s motorway and major A-road network.

Our scheme will see a new low-noise surface installed between junctions 5 and 7 to provide smoother, quieter journeys and extend the road’s life span for years to come.

Visit the project webpage

This part of our network has a poor safety record and sees high volumes of traffic at peak periods.

We intend to make improvements to both junction 8 on the M27 and the A27 Windover roundabout by adding extra lanes and improving signalling to ease congestion.

Visit the project webpage

We've had to postpone our planned maintenance works until further notice. 

Narrow lanes and speed restrictions are in place on M27 in both directions between junctions 8 to 9 due to earlier safety barrier damage and investigation work.

Please check back for future updates.

We'll still need to repair some of the bridge joints and put in some waterproofing to protect the bridge from severe weather. These joints allow the bridge to expand and contract in different temperatures and can become damaged if exposed to too much rain. 

About our improvements

We’re working closely with Hampshire County Council who are developing junction 10 so it has links in all directions between the M27 and A32.

The improved junction will support economic growth in the area and the new Welbourne Garden Village. 

More information is available on the M27 junction 10 improvements scheme page.


Traffic information

Information about scheduled roadworks and events on our motorways and major roads.

Contact us

