M2 junction 5 improvements
Improvements to the slip roads and junction approaches at the M2 junction 5.
Latest updates
04 February 2025
We've completed our project
We've completed our M2 junction 5 improvements scheme in Sittingbourne, Kent.
Key features of the scheme include:
The Stockbury Flyover
The project's centrepiece. Nearly a mile long, the flyover allows traffic to bypass the previously heavily-congested Stockbury roundabout.
The two bridges supporting the Stockbury Flyover are each made of 16 reinforced concrete beams. The beams individually weigh up to 56 tonnes. We needed 450-tonne mobile crane to install them.
Slip roads
Two new dedicated slip roads provide direct access from the A249 to the M2, bypassing the Stockbury roundabout entirely to reduce congestion.
National Highways Project Manager Jilwan Rahimi said:
“We are incredibly proud to have completed a project of this scale and be leaving behind a positive legacy for the local community.
“We are grateful for everyone’s patience and understanding while carrying out this work, which will provide smoother and safer journeys for thousands of road users every day.”
Dave Brown, Contracts Director for the project’s principal contractor, GRAHAM, added:
"The project is a testament to the hard work, collaboration, and commitment of the entire team and supply chain. Thank you to everyone involved."
14 November 2024
Upcoming traffic management
Northbound Stockbury Flyover weekend closure
The northbound (towards Sittingbourne) lanes of Stockbury flyover will be closed for a weekend from 8pm Friday 15 November to 5am Monday 18 November while we carry out maintenance work to the road. During the closure, traffic will be diverted off the A249 to the Stockbury roundabout, where it can then re-join the A249 northbound.
A249 southbound overnight closure
The A249 southbound (towards Maidstone) will be closed between the Bobbing and Stockbury roundabouts from 8pm Sunday 17 November to 5am Monday 18 November. When the road reopens on Monday morning, the lane closure on the A249 southbound will be removed. During the closure, a signed diversion will be in place via the Bobbing roundabout, Sheppey Way, A2, Hoath Way, M2 and A249. Non-motorway traffic please use Bobbing roundabout, Sheppey way, A2, A229 and A249.
South Green Lane overnight closure
From 8pm Monday 18 November to 5am Tuesday 19 November, South Green Lane will be closed to through traffic while we carry out surfacing works. During the closure, access for residents on the South Green Link will be permitted via Oad Street. Access for properties on South Green Lane itself will need to use Oad Street and Pett Lane to reach South Green Lane.
02 October 2024
A249 southbound entry slip closure
The A249 southbound (towards Maidstone) entry slip from the Stockbury Roundabout will be closed from 8pm Wednesday 2 October until 5am Thursday 3 October while we carry out repairs to the carriageway following a recent traffic collision. The A249 southbound itself will remain open during this closure.
During the closure, please join the A249 northbound and use the Key Street roundabout to return on the A249 southbound carriageway.
A249 southbound carriageway closure
We also need to carry out repairs to the A249 southbound carriageway itself. The A249 southbound from the Stockbury Roundabout to Church Hill will be closed overnight from 8pm Thursday 3 October to 5am Friday 4 October.
You will be taken off the A249 southbound to the Stockbury Roundabout, where a diversion will take you onto the M2 London-bound, A229 (Blue Bell Hill), M20 and back to the A249. For non-motorway traffic, please use the A2, A229 and A249.
Please remember that closures can change at short notice. You can check the latest information on our daily closures page or find live travel information on our Traffic England. Our travel alerts give details of live incidents on our network.
14 August 2024
Scheme enters final phase
The scheme is now on the home straight, with traffic using the new Stockbury Flyover and M2 junction 5 slip roads, but there’s still more for us to do.
We’re carrying out work around the junction such as fencing and landscaping, so you may still see us on site. We might also need further closures to complete essential works – we’ll provide further information here.
We would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding while we’re working to improve the M2 junction 5 and Stockbury Roundabout.
If you would like to contact the scheme, you can email us on: M2J5@nationalhighways.co.uk.
Please remember that closure details can change at short notice. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our daily closures page.
20 December 2023
Looking back at a busy year on the M2 junction 5
As we approach the end of 2023, let’s take a moment to look back on the significant achievements reached across the scheme, as we work to provide a safer and more integrated network for everyone.
Opening of dedicated slip roads linking the coastbound M2 and A249
This year has seen us open new and improved dedicated slip roads between the A249 coming from Maidstone to the M2 coastbound, and from the M2 coastbound to the A249 heading towards Sheppey. This allows traffic on these routes to flow freely on and off the motorway without passing through the Stockbury Roundabout.
Maidstone Road link
The new Maidstone Road link takes traffic to Oad Street, rather than directly onto the Stockbury Roundabout. Once the scheme is complete, traffic will be able to use the Stockbury Roundabout to safely access or leave Oad Street.
Dedicated M2 London-bound slip road
The construction of a new dedicated slip road for traffic coming from the Sheppey and Sittingbourne direction to join the M2 London-bound has reduced delays by removing the need to join the roundabout.
Stockbury flyover
In the autumn, concrete bridge beams were installed on high supports that have been built on both the south and north sides of the Stockbury Roundabout. These beams form the bases of the ramps that will take traffic onto the new flyover being built over the Stockbury Roundabout.
Opening the new Stockbury Roundabout
November saw us open the new, larger Stockbury Roundabout. Built round the old one, we were able to minimise disruption to traffic using the roundabout during construction.
With the new roundabout open, you’ll start to see the central flyover section taking shape as we get ready to connect the two bridges that have been built either side of the roundabout. Once complete, the flyover will provide free movement for anyone travelling on the A249, helping to improve journey times and safety.
Project information
Our improvements see the existing roundabout replaced with a new interchange, which is a flyover, to provide free-flowing movement on the A249.
Two new dedicated free-flowing slip roads would be created with a left turn for traffic travelling from the A249 southbound to the M2 westbound and a left turn from the A249 northbound to the M2 eastbound.
Maidstone Road to the A249 Stockbury Roundabout would be closed, and Maidstone Road would be re-routed to link with Oad Street. The existing junction of Oad Street with the A249 would be closed with a new link provided south of the existing Oad Street to connect with the A249 Stockbury Roundabout.
Find out more about our improvements in this short video:
The M2 junction 5/A249 Stockbury Roundabout cannot cope with existing traffic flows. The junction is also one of the top 50 national casualty locations on England’s major ‘A’ roads and motorways.
One aim is to improve journey times. Our improvement scheme will reduce delays meaning people will have quicker and more reliable journeys. The scheme will improve the safety of the junction for all road users The improvements will support economic growth as increasing capacity at the junction will support the future housing and employment growth in the area.
Our work in the local community
We want to make a positive difference for communities living near our roads, especially where we’re carrying out works.
Find out more about our work in the local community.
Give us your feedback
Visit our M2 junction 5 improvements feedback tool to have your say. The tool includes an interactive map. You can click on a location to make a specific comment, or give us your general feedback.
ECHO is a one-way feedback tool, so if you’d like a response to your feedback you can email the project team at: m2j5@nationalhighways.co.uk
Project background
Artist Impression - View from Church Lane towards M2
Artist Impression - View from M2 eastbound slip road
Artist Impression - View from Honeycrock Hill
Artist Impression - View from Oad Street
Artist Impression - View towards M2
One Page General Arrangement Drawing
Preliminary Design - Combined Safety and Hazard Log
Environmental Assessment Summary
Environmental Study Report
Environmental Statement - Public Notice
Environmental Statement - Non-technical Summary
Environmental Statement - Volume 1 Main Text
Volume 2 Appendix A Outline Environmental Management Plan
Volume 2 Appendix B Air Quality
Volume 2 Appendix C Noise and Vibration
Volume 2 Appendix D Biodiversity
Volume 2 Appendix D.1 Hazel Dormouse Survey
Volume 2 Appendix D.2 Reptile Survey
Volume 2 Appendix D.3 Breeding Birds Survey
Volume 2 Appendix D.4 Great Crested Newt Survey
Volume 2 Appendix D.5 Bat Survey
Volume 2 Appendix D.6 Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening
Volume 2 Appendix D.7 Hedgerow Assessment
Volume 2 Appendix D.8 Wintering Bird Survey
Volume 2 Appendix D.9 Badger Survey
Volume 2 Appendix E.1 Road Drainage and the Water Environment
Volume 2 Appendix E.2 Flood Risk Assessment
Volume 2 Appendix E.3 Water Framework Directive
Volume 2 Appendix E.4 Drainage Strategy
Volume 2 Appendix F Landscape and Visual
Volume 2 Appendix G.1 Geology and Soils
Volume 2 Appendix G.2 Geology and Soils Envirocheck Report Part 1
Volume 2 Appendix G.2 Geology and Soils Envirocheck Report Part 2
Volume 2 Appendix G.2 Geology and Soils Envirocheck Report Part 3
Volume 2 Appendix H.1 Archaeological Evaluation Report Part 1
Volume 2 Appendix H.1 Archaeological Evaluation Report Part 2
Volume 2 Appendix H.2 Further Archaeological Evaluation Report
Volume 2 Appendix H.3 Cultural Heritage
Volume 2 Appendix I Population and Human Health
Volume 2 Appendix J Assessment of Cumulative Effects
Volume 2 Appendix K Climate
Volume 2 Appendix L Major Accidents & Disasters
Volume 2 Appendix M Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 1 and 2 (Part 1)
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 1 and 2 (Part 2)
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 5
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 6
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 7
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 8
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 9 (Part 1)
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 9 (Part 2)
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 10
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 11
Volume 3 Figures Chapter 15
Environmental Statement Addendum – Volume 1 Main Text
Environmental Statement Addendum – Volume 2 Appendices - Appendix D.6 Amended Habitat Regulations Assessment Stage 1 Screening
Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume 3 Figures - Chapter 2
Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume 3 Figures - Chapter 7
Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume 3 Figures - Chapter 9 Part 1
Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume 3 Figures - Chapter 9 Part 2
Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume 3 Figures - Chapter 9 Part 3
Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume 3 Figures - Chapter 9 Part 4
Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume 3 Figures - Chapter 9 Part 5
Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume 3 Figures - Chapter 9 Part 6
Environmental Statement Addendum Annex 1 – Volume 1 Main Text
Highways Act 1980 Orders
We published the Orders for the M2 junction 5/A249 Stockbury Roundabout improvements scheme under the Highways Act 1980 on 13 June 2019 with a representation period of six weeks that ended on 25 July 2019.
Since June 2019 modifications to the scheme have been proposed as a result of discussions with landowners and stakeholders.
The modifications required changes to the Side Roads Order (SRO) and Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO). They are described in the section 'Modifications to Orders' below.
As a result of these modifications and additional assessment in relation to air quality an Addendum to the Environmental Statement has also been published. This can be found under the Environmental documents section.
Both the modifications and the Environmental Statement Addendum were published for consultation on 24 January 2020. As of 7 February 2020 we have published a further additional assessment to the Environmental Statement Addendum Annex 1 which includes updates to the noise assessment following a re-run of the noise model and assessments of two additional construction compound sites.
These can be viewed in the Environmental documents section and were available for viewing in hard copy at Sittingbourne Library from 10 February 2020 until the start of the Public Inquiry.
The consultation period on the Environmental Statement Addendum Annex 1 ended on 9 March 2020. Highways England has considered representations made in preparing its documents for the Public Inquiry.
The preliminary design drawings are included here, along with the reports that detail the traffic assessments undertaken during the preliminary design.
Secretary of State Decision Letter
The Secretary of State, on 21 June 2021, confirmed with modifications the Truck Road Order, Side Roads Order and Compulsory Purchase Order. He issued a Decision Letter (dated 17 June 2020) to Highways England and those parties represented at the Public Inquiry.
Secretary of State Decision Letter June 2021
Secretary of State Decision Letter June 2021 Annex
Inspectors Report into the Public Inquiry
The Highways England (A249 Trunk Road Stockbury Roundabout Improvements) (Side Roads) Order 2019
Side Roads Order - Public Notice
Confirmed Side Roads Order Booklet (including Plans) (confirmed in 2021)
The Highways England (A249 Trunk Road Stockbury Roundabout Improvements) Compulsory Purchase Order confirmed in 2021
Compulsory Purchase Order – Order and Schedule booklet
Compulsory Purchase Order – Order and Schedule booklet pages 1 - 10 (scan of original copy from DfT)
Compulsory Purchase Order – Order and Schedule booklet pages 10 - 20 (scan of original copy from DfT)
Compulsory Purchase Order – Order and Schedule booklet - table 1, pages 21 - 22 and table 2 1-10 (scan of original copy from DfT)
Compulsory Purchase Order – Order and Schedule booklet - table 2 and pages 20-31 (scan of original copy from DfT)
Compulsory Purchase Order - Plans
Compulsory Purchase Order - Public Notice
The A249 Trunk Road (Stockbury Roundabout Improvements) Order 2019
Line Order - Schedule and plans
Made Section 10 Line Order Booklet (including Plans) (confirmed in 2021)
Modifications to the Side Roads Order and Compulsory Purchase Order 2019
Supporting documents that have also been published include:
Preliminary Design Drawings:
- Preliminary Design Drawings - notes and keys
- Preliminary Design Drawings 1
- Preliminary Design Drawings 2
- Preliminary Design Drawings 3
- Preliminary Design Drawings 4
- Preliminary Design Drawings 5
- Preliminary Design Drawings 6
Scheme Assessment Report - Appendices
Project background and related documents
M2 Junction 5 Improvement - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit Feb 2019
Environmental Statement
Environmental Statement - Volume 1
Environmental Statement - Non-technical Summary
Environmental Statement - Public Notice
Environmental Statement Addendum – Volume 1 Main Text
Environmental Statement Addendum – Volume 2 Appendices - Appendix D.6 Amended Habitat
Environmental Statement Addendum Annex 1 – Volume 1 Main Text
View the complete set of Environmental documents.
Core Documents on Deposit
View the Core Documents for links to all relevant documents.
Modifications to Orders
There have been a number of minor changes to the scheme since the orders were published on 13 June 2019. These are as a result of ongoing liaison with landowners and safety related improvements. They include:
A new field access at Whipstakes Farm is proposed to replace the one being stopped up under the Published Scheme.
The provision of a secondary field access to the parcel of land located north of the M2 viaduct and between Maidstone Road and the A249 following a request for further mitigation by the affected landowner.
Amendment of Plot 1/8 for change of ownership.
Amendment of Plot 1/14 for change of ownership.
Amendment of Plot 1/21 for change of address.
The layout of the existing Church Hill junction to be modified as follows:
- the existing U-turn facility would be removed. There would no longer be a need for a U-turn facility due to the provision of the link from South Green Lane to Oad Street and the Stockbury
- Roundabout. The existing southbound deceleration lane would be lengthened to 110m, incorporating a 30m direct taper
- the merge corner radius would be changed
- the radius to Church Hill would be changed
- the minor road traffic island would be changed to the standard configuration
- the existing northbound left-turn auxiliary lane would be retained

Traffic information
Information about scheduled roadworks and events on our motorways and major roads.Sign up for updates!
Keep up to date with what's happening on this scheme by signing up to our updates.