Development Consent Order documents
View documents relating to our Development Consent Order.
Explore the Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order (DCO) application documents submitted during the examination, which closed in December 2023. All documents are also hosted on the Planning Inspectorate website.
As part of the examination process, the Lower Thames Crossing has committed to hosting the 'certified documents' (those identified in Schedule 16 of the draft DCO) below.
These documents have been published ahead of the decision on whether to grant the DCO, which if granted would give us permission to build and operate the crossing.
Publishing these documents does not pre-judge the decision phase. The documents are provided to assist our stakeholders.
Please note that a small number of documents are confidential and cannot be provided.
Document | Document reference | Revision |
Draft Development Consent Order | TR010032/APP/3.1 | 13 |
To make the Environmental Statement sections easier to navigate, we have split these up into separate sections. This is different to the document structure on the Planning Inspectorate website.
Document |
Document reference |
Revision |
TR010032/EXAM/9.8 |
10 |
TR010032/APP/6.5 |
1 |
TR010032/APP/6.6 |
1 |
Preliminary Navigational Risk Assessment – Regulation 5(2)(q) |
TR010032/APP/7.15 |
3 |
TR010032/EXAM/9.147 |
1 |
Document |
Document reference |
Revision |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
Environmental Statement Chapter 3 - Assessment of Reasonable Alternatives |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
3 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
2 |
Environmental Statement Chapter 8 - Terrestrial Biodiversity |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
2 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
Environmental Statement Chapter 11 - Material Assets and Waste |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
2 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
Environmental Statement Chapter 13 - Population and Human Health |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
Environmental Statement Chapter 14 - Road Drainage and the Water Environment |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
Environmental Statement Chapter 16 - Cumulative Effects Assessment |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
TR010032/APP/6.1 |
1 |
Document |
Document reference |
Revision |
TR010032/APP/6.3 |
9 |
TR010032/APP/6.3 |
4 |
TR010032/APP/6.3 |
5 |
TR010032/APP/6.3 |
4 |
TR010032/APP/6.3 |
2 |
TR010032/APP/6.3 | 2 | |
TR010032/APP/6.3 |
6 |
Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan (excluding Appendix 1, 2 and 3) – Regulation 5(2)(q) |
TR010032/APP/6.7 |
7 |
Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan (Appendix 1) – Regulation 5(2)(q) |
TR010032/APP/6.7 |
3 |
Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan (Appendix 2) – Regulation 5(2)(q) |
TR010032/APP/6.7 |
2 |
Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan (Appendix 3) – Regulation 5(2)(q) |
TR010032/APP/6.7 |
3 |
TR010032/APP/7.5 |
7 |
Wider Network Impacts Management and Monitoring Plan – Regulation 5(2)(q) |
TR010032/APP/7.12 |
2 |
TR010032/APP/7.13 |
6 |
Outline Traffic Management Plan for Construction – Regulation 5(2)(q) |
TR010032/APP/7.14 |
9 |
TR010032/APP/7.19 |
4 |
Stakeholder Actions and Commitments Register – Regulation 5(2)(q) |
TR010032/APP/7.21 |
8 |
Document |
Document reference |
Revision |
TR010032/APP/1.6 |
7 |
TR010032/APP/4.2 |
9 |
TR010032/APP/7.6 |
1 |
TR010032/APP/7.16 |
2 |
TR010032/APP/7.16 |
2 |
TR010032/APP/7.16 |
2 |
TR010032/APP/7.16 |
2 |
Mitigation Route Map - Regulation 5(2)(o) |
TR010032/EXAM/9.90 |
1 |
Hard copies of documents
Following the DCO decision, hard copies of the above documents will be made available.
A copy of the documents certified in accordance with article 62 (certification of documents, etc.) of this Order may be inspected free of charge by appointment during normal working hours at:
National Highways
Bridge House
1 Walnut Tree Close
Please contact or call the help desk on 0300 123 5000 to arrange an appointment.
A copy of the above documents may also be inspected free of charge by appointment during normal working hours at a location near the authorised development. The location will be specified on this website, be available until the A122 is open for traffic, and the public may request this location by calling the aforementioned help desk.
We will update our website on the location once the DCO decision has been made.