East Midlands - Maintenance schemes

Maintenance schemes taking place in the East Midlands region.

Project information

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You can more details about the maintenance schemes taking place in the East Midlands below:

Essential lighting renewal works to the A14 Junction 11 to Junction 13.

During our scheme of work, we'll:  

  • replace end of life street lighting equipment including columns and lanterns, on the A14 at junctions 11,12 and 13
  • replace and install feeder pillars, ducting, road crossings and cables
  • vegetation clearance
  • we'll also be working with Western Power (National Grid) to provide electricity board connections

This work is due to start on 31 July 2023 and is scheduled for completion by the end of March 2024 working under a combination of full slip road closures and carriageway closures between 8pm and 6am Monday to Friday. During these closures fully signed diversion routes will be in place, which have been agreed with the local authority. 

All carriageways will be open as usual outside of our working hours. 

Diversion routes

Diversion routes will be to the next junction and back where possible. There will be some diversion routes using Council Roads, these have been agreed in principle by West Northamptonshire Council. Diversion routes differ depending on which direction you are wishing to travel. All diversion routes will be signed.

We’ll be carrying out repairs to the safety barrier in the central reservation along the A38 between Toyota Island and Mickleover. We’ll also be carrying out vegetation clearance and grass cutting along this section. Our work will ensure that the safety barrier and vegetation is well maintained to ensure we continue to provide safe travel through the Midlands.

When will this work take place?

We plan to start work on Monday 8 April 2024, and we expect to finish by the end of June 2024. Our work will take place overnight when traffic counts are lower, between 8pm and 6am, Monday to Friday

To carry out our work safely, we’ll work under a combination of full carriageway closures and lane closures, between Toyota Island and the A516 junction at Mickleover.

This work will be carried out under the following phases:

  • Phase 1 – 8 April to 19 April – full northbound carriageway closures from Toyota Island to the A516 Mickleover junction. A southbound lane 2 closure will be in place during these times.
  • Phase 2 – 22 April to 17 May – full southbound carriageway closures from A516 Mickleover junction to Toyota Island. A northbound lane 2 closure will be in place during these times.
  • Phase 3 – 20 May to 31 May – lane closures in both directions between Toyota Island to the A516 Mickleover junction. 
  • Phase 4 – 3 June to 7 June – full southbound carriageway closures from A516 Mickleover junction to Toyota Island. A northbound lane 2 closure will be in place during these times.
  • Phase 5 – 10 June to 14 June – full northbound carriageway closures from Toyota Island to the A516 Mickleover junction. A southbound lane 2 closure will be in place during these times.

Update -

Due to poor weather throughout this scheme, we were unable to carry out a lot of the work on the planned dates. We will complete this work under the following traffic management - 

17 June to 5 July – lane closures both directions between Toyota Island and A516 Mickleover junction. 

During closures the following diversion route will be in place:  

A38 Toyota to Mickleover diversion for northbound and southbound closures

A38 Findern Interchange to Toyota Island southbound diversion

We’re sorry for the disruption this work may cause to your journey and we encourage drivers to plan ahead and allow extra time when travelling. All closures are subject to change at short notice due to unforeseen circumstances or poor weather conditions. We’ll keep this web page updated with any changes.

Essential maintenance work is due to start on 1 July 2024 and is expected to complete by 30 November 2024.

This work is to the repaint sections of the bridge which runs over the A38 on the A50 Toyota Island and is essential to protect and prevent rusting to the existing structure. Scaffolding will be installed, and prior to the repainting, there will be a requirement to carry out additional maintenance work. Once complete, the life span of the bridge will be preserved but also reduce the need for future maintenance.

From 1 July to 13 September, A38 northbound lane 2 closed, 24/7.

From 14 September to 29 November, A38 southbound lane 2 closed, 24/7.

From 1 July to 12 September, between 8pm and 5am, weekday overnight closures of the A38 northbound between the exit and entry slip at Toyota Island.

From 16 September to 29 November, between 8pm and 5am, weekday overnight closures of the A38 southbound between the exit and entry slip at Toyota Island.

During closures, a small diversion will be installed over Toyota Island using the exit and entry slips. For the duration of the works, 50mph restrictions will be in place.

Please plan ahead and allow additional time for your journey.

We will be carrying out essential electrical works on the A42 between junction 14 and M1 junction 23A – Donington Services.

During our scheme of work, we will:

• Replace street lighting equipment including columns and lanterns
• Replace feeder pillars, ducting, road crossings and cables
• Replace existing signs
• Clear vegetation

This work is due to start on Monday 26 February 2024 and is scheduled for completion by the middle of December 2024.

We will be working under full closures of slip roads and the A42, and under lane closures on the M1, and A453 dual carriageway between 9pm and 5am, Monday to Friday.

During these closures, fully signed diversion routes will be in place, which have been agreed with the local authority.

Heavy goods vehicles will not be granted access during restricted times and will need to follow the diversion in place.

All carriageways will be open as usual during the day, outside of our overnight working hours.

What does it mean for you?

During overnight closures, fully signed diversion routes will be in place as below.

A42 Northbound Diversion route

Traffic to exit A42 at Junction 14, turn left and proceed along the A453. Turn right onto the A453 and continue past the Airport to Finger Farm Roundabout.

Diversion Route for A42 Southbound Traffic from M1

M1 Northbound Exit Slip Diversion Route

Traffic to continue on M1, take exit slip at Junction 24, take first exit onto A453 and continue to A453 Finger Farm Roundabout

A453 Northbound Diversion Route

Traffic to continue on A42 to A453 Finger Farm roundabout, take the third exit slip on the roundabout and join A453. Traffic to continue on A453 to M1 Junction 24 Interchange. Traffic to take third exit on roundabout and join M1 North

We have some upcoming essential survey works on the A5 between Mancetter and Hungry Hill. These works are to inform our future requirements in the area.   

When will this work take place?

We’ll be carrying out work overnight, between 9pm and 6am weekdays, from Monday 22nd April 2024 to Tuesday 30th April 2024.

What does this mean for you?

In order to carry out this work safely, we’ll be working under full closures in both directions. An escort service will be available for residents and other vehicles which require access during our working times.

During the closures, a fully signed diversion will be in place. Access for emergency service vehicles will be maintained throughout.

HGV traffic diversion route

Non HGV traffic diversion route

We’ll make every effort to ensure the impact on the local community and travelling public is kept to a minimum. We always aim to work to the programme, however unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather conditions may mean changes.  Where possible we will aim to complete any work near residential properties early in our shifts but we appreciate there will be some unavoidable noise during our works.  

Please accept our apologies in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

We'll be carrying out essential maintenance works to A5/M69 Burbage Island and associated slip roads and approaches. During our scheme of work, we'll: 

  • renew traffic signal equipment
  • renew the safety barrier on the roundabout and beneath the M69 overbridges
  • remove vegetation to reduce sign obstruction and to allow future maintenance access
  • resurface the carriageway including associated road markings and road studs in various locations

This work is due to start on 22 January 2024 and is scheduled for completion by the end of April 2024. We'll work overnight between the hours of 8pm and 6am, Monday to Friday.   

The work will be carried out in sections as outlined below: 

  • full slip road closures to M69 Junction
  • partial road closure on the gyratory roundabout – A5 and B4109 Rugby road
  • lane closure/ring management on the slip roads and the gyratory roundabout

During these closures fully signed diversion routes will be in place, which have been agreed with the local authority. No HGV’s will be granted access during restricted times. HGV’s will need to follow the diversion in place. All carriageways will be open as usual outside of our working hours.

Diversion routes

M69 Junction 1 Eastbound Exit Slip Closure

All diverted traffic to continue on M69 Eastbound at M1 Junction 21 and turn around to join M69 Westbound. Diverted traffic to come off M69 Westbound at Junction 1.

M69 Junction 1 North East Corner of Roundabout Closure

All motorway traffic to be diverted on to the M69 Eastbound entry slip. Traffic to join M69 Northbound to continue to M1 Junction 21. At M1 Junction 21 traffic to join A69 Westbound using the roundabout. Traffic to come off M69 Westbound at Junction 1.

All non-motorway traffic will be diverted on to Rugby Road (B4109). Diverted traffic to continue on the B4109 until it’s junction with Brookside/Dudley Rise. At this junction traffic to follow Brookside until its junction with Burbage Road (B4669). Traffic to travel Southwards on Burbage Road, B578 Hinckley Road/Church Street/Lutterworth Road to join A5.

M69 Junction 1 Westbound Entry Slip Closure

All traffic to be diverted on to M69 Eastbound. Traffic to come off M69 Eastbound at M1 Junction 21 and turn around to join M69 Westbound and continue west.

A5 Northbound Closure from DPD Warehouse Roundabout to M69 Junction 1

All motorway traffic to be diverted on to A5 Southbound, A4303 Eastbound. Diverted traffic to join M1 Northbound to M1 Junction 21. Traffic to come off M1 Junction 21 to join M69 Westbound to M69 Junction 1.

All non-motorway traffic will be diverted on to B578 (Lutterworth Road/Church Street/Hinckley Road). At B578 junction with Sapcote/Burbage Road, traffic to be diverted on to Burbage Road (B4669) to travel north. At Burbage Road/Brookside junction, traffic to follow Brookside to travel west to B4109 (Rugby Road).

Rugby Road Closure in both directions from M69 Junction 1 to Three Pots Roundabout

Non-motorway north diversion via A5 North, B4666 Coventry Road, B590 Trinity Road/Mansion Street/Stockwell Head/Council Road/Hollier’s Walk/Leicester Road/ Spa Road, B4669 London Road, B590 Park Road/Southfield Road/Hawley Road, B4109.

South diversion route will be in reverse.

M69 Junction 1 Southbound Exit Slip Closure

All traffic to continue on M69 Westbound to M69/M6 Junction. Traffic to to turn around at the Junction to join M69 Eastbound. Traffic to come off M69 Eastbound at Junction 1.

We'll be undertaking some essential maintenance works including resurfacing, drainage and safety barrier works on the A52 between Gamston roundabout to Cropwell Road.

When will this work take place?

We’ll be working overnight, between 8pm to 6am, Monday to Friday, from 11 March 2024 for three weeks until 29 March 2024.

In order to carry out this work safely, we’ll install a full closure in both directions from Gamston roundabout to Cropwell road.

There will be local access between A46 and Cropwell Road, however, Bassingfield Lane and Stragglethorpe road junctions with the A52 will be closed during these works.

What does this mean for you?

During the closures, a fully signed diversion will be in place as below.

Access for emergency service vehicles will be maintained throughout.

We’ll make every effort to ensure the impact on the local community and travelling public is kept to a minimum. We always aim to work to the programme, however unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather conditions may mean changes.    

We’ll be carrying out essential signal renewal works to replace age expired traffic signal equipment at A52 Dunkirk Island Cycle crossing.

During our scheme of work, we’ll:

  • replace end of life signals to current industry standards, ensuring ongoing reliability
  • convert ELV (48 volt) equipment to LED signal heads to reduce energy usage and improve electrical safety for maintenance personnel and public
  • install passively safe poles, which are designed to reduce injury to road users in the event of a collision


To minimise disruption as much as we can, work will take place overnight between 8pm and 6am, Monday to Friday.

We’ll work under full closures of exit and entry slip roads to the A52 Clifton Boulevard and working with ring management on the Dunkirk Island roundabout, starting with the Northbound on slip from 22 January 2024 for three weeks and then continuing onto the southbound off slip for a further three weeks. This will also mean a closure of West Road due to the close proximity of Dunkirk roundabout.

A52 Dunkirk Eastbound Exit Slip Diversion Route

A52 Dunkirk Westbound Entry Slip Diversion Route

We’ll be carrying out some work to repair a damaged bridge on the A52 at the QMC roundabout in Nottingham.

As well as replacing a beam, which was damaged when a lorry carrying an excavator hit it, teams will divert utilities and re-waterproof the bridge.

When will this work take place?

Work in the area will begin on Monday 8 July.

The first three weeks will involve utility diversions of a gas main and electric cables by teams at Cadent and Western Power Distribution, five nights a week. Please note that Cadent gas will be carrying out their work during the day only.

Following the completion of these diversions, we’ll then begin our repair work on the bridge from Monday 29 July. We expect to complete this work by summer 2025.

We’ll be carrying out work in phases, working overnight between 8pm and 6am, Monday to Friday.

What does this mean for you?

In order to carry out this work safely, a number of lane closures will be in place in and around the roundabout. Lane one of the roundabout will be closed 24/7 for the safety of the public, while other lanes will close when works are taking place.

The A52 on the approach to the roundabout from the Priory Island will also have lane closures in place. The A6514 Middleton Boulevard which runs underneath the bridge will also be closed at night with an ‘up and over’ diversion in place using the exit and entry slip roads. 

Access for emergency service vehicles will be maintained throughout. We’ll also work with key stakeholders in the city to ensure our work avoids major events such as sporting fixtures, concerts and university open days. 

We’ll make every effort to ensure the impact on the local community and travelling public is kept to a minimum. We always aim to work to the programme, however unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather conditions may mean changes.

If you’d like to receive further information about our work, please subscribe to our weekly traffic management bulletin by emailing noreplyA52EMids@nationalhighways.co.uk. Our weekly traffic management bulletin will have all of the most up to date information including road closures, dates, times and diversions.

We'll be carrying out essential maintenance works to the A52 between Saxondale roundabout to New Lane. We'll be working in the following areas:

  • Saxondale Roundabout to Tithby Road
  • Tithby Road to Grantham Road
  • Grantham Road to New Lane

During our scheme of work, we'll:  

  • refresh road markings, road studs and traffic loops
  • install central hatching
  • install High Friction Surfacing between junctions
  • install a vehicle-activated sign on the approach Tithby road junction

This work is due to start on 29 January 2024 and is scheduled for completion by the beginning of March 2024 working under full carriageway road closures between 8pm and 6am Monday to Friday.

During these closures fully signed diversion routes will be in place, which have been agreed with the local authority. All carriageways will be open as usual outside of our working hours. 

A52 Eastbound Diversion Route

Traffic intending to travel East on the A52 will be diverted North along the A46 at Saxondale roundabout until reaching the A1/A17/A46 (Eastern) junction, then proceed South along the A1 until the Barrowby junction taking the Southbound exit slip where the diversion ends.

A52 Westbound Diversion Route

Traffic intending to travel West on the A52 at Barrowby junction will be diverted North along the A1 until reaching the A46/A17/B6166 junction from here proceed South along the A46 until reaching Saxondale junction taking the Southbound exit slip where the diversion ends.

A52 Bingham – Local Traffic Westbound

A52 Bingham – Local Traffic Eastbound 

A52 Bingham – Local Access – North/South (2-way)


We'll be carrying out essential maintenance works on the A45 between M1 Junction 15 and Queen Eleanor Interchange, works will be carried out in both directions including exit and entry slips at Grange Park and East Hunsbury.

During our scheme of work, we will:

  • replace damaged drains, kerbs and footpaths where required
  • refresh road markings and install road studs
  • carry out vegetation and overburden clearance from footpaths
  • resurfacing of carriageway including slip roads

This work is due to start on 8 January 2024 and is scheduled for completion by the 7 March 2024 working under full weekday evening closures to the slip road between 8pm and 6am, Monday to Friday.   

During these closures fully signed diversion routes will be in place, which have been agreed with the local authority. All carriageways will be open as usual outside of our working hours. 

Diversion Routes
A45 Main Eastbound Diversion Route

All traffic intending to head Eastbound at M1 Junction 15 shall be diverted Northbound on the M1 to Junction 16 roundabout where they will take the 2nd exit onto the A4500 and travel eastbound to the roundabout with the A5076, at the roundabout take the 3rd exit and continue southbound until the roundabout with the A5123/Upton Valley Way East, at the roundabout turn left and travel west along the A5076 until the Queen Eleanor Interchange.

A45 Eastbound Local Diversion Route

Local traffic on Wooldale Road and Rowtree Road intending A45 Eastbound at the roundabout near Wootton shall be diverted southeast on Wooldale Road. At the first roundabout traffic will take the 3rd exit South on London Road to the roundabout at Grange Park (north) where they will take the 3rd exit onto the A45 Westbound. Continue on the A45 to M1J15 and join the A45 Main Eastbound diversion.

A45 Eastbound Closure for works requiring closure of A45 Eastbound entry slip at Queen Eleanor Interchange

On reaching the Queen Eleanor Interchange traffic on the main Eastbound diversion route will continue North on the A508 into Northampton. In Northampton traffic will continue on the A5123 (Bridge St) to follow through-traffic signing to head Eastbound on the A5123 to its junction with the A428. Traffic will then turn right onto the A428 and continue Southeast to the A428/A45 Barnes Meadow Interchange.

A45 Main Westbound Diversion Route         

All traffic travelling Westbound along the A45 shall be directed West at the Queen Eleanor interchange (4th exit) onto the A5076. At the A5076/A5123 roundabout take the 3rd exit onto the A5076 (Upton Way). Continue north on the A5067 to its roundabout junction with the A4500. At the roundabout take the 1st exit west to M1 J16.

A45 Westbound Local Diversion Route

Local traffic wishing to travel West on the A45 at the Grange Park (north) roundabout shall be diverted North on London Road. At its roundabout junction with Wooldale Road take the first exit West along Wooldale Road. At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit North on London Road to join the A45 Eastbound. Continue on the A45 to the Queen Eleanor Interchange and take the first exit west on the A5076 and the A45 Main Westbound diversion route.

We’ll be carrying out essential renewal works to the waterproofing system on Crick bridge at junction 18 of the M1.

During our scheme of work we’ll plane off the existing carriageway surface, remove and replace the existing waterproofing system and then resurface the carriageway.

Once competed, our work will prevent water leaking onto the bridge decks, which in turn will protect the structure.

When will this work take place?

We plan to start work on 21 June 2024 and we expect to finish by 29 July 2024. To carry out this work safely, we’ll work under full weekend closures, in one direction at a time, on selected weekends from 8pm on Friday until 6am on Monday:

Northbound Carriageway Closures

  • 8pm Friday 21 June until 6am Monday 24 June
  • 8pm Friday 28 June until 6am Monday 1 July

M1 J18 northbound closure diversion

Southbound Carriageway Closures

  • 8pm Friday 19 July until 6am Monday 22 July
  • 8pm Friday 26 July until 6am Monday 29 July

M1 J18 southbound closure diversion

During the closure, we’ll put an ‘up and over’ diversion in place. Traffic will leave the motorway at junction 18, travel over the roundabout and then re-join the M1 on the other side of the junction.

We apologise for any inconvenience this essential maintenance work causes and will do our very best to complete the job as quickly as possible, keeping disturbances and noise to a minimum.  We encourage drivers to plan ahead and allow extra time when travelling.

All closures are subject to change at short notice due to unforeseen circumstances or poor weather conditions. We’ll keep this web page updated with any changes.

Essential maintenance works to the existing carriageway and associated slip roads along the M1 between Junction 21 and 22. During our scheme of work, we will:  

  • resurface both northbound and southbound carriageways and associated slip roads
  • repair and replace damaged drains
  • refresh road markings and road studs
  • repair any necessary bridge joints

This work is due to start on 16 January 2023 and is scheduled for completion by mid-March 2024 working under full night closures, Monday to Friday 9pm – 6am.

Works are to be carried out in the following phases;

Start of Northbound works: 16/01/23 

  • Northbound closure J21 - J21A
  • Northbound closure J21A - J22

Start of Southbound works: 14/07/23

  • Southbound closure J22 – J21A
  • Southbound closure J22 – J21

*All programme dates subject to change

During these closures fully signed diversion routes will be in place, which have been agreed with the local authority. All carriageways will be open as usual outside of our working hours.

Diversion Route

J21 – 21a C/Way Closure & J21 Entry Slip Road Closure Diversion Route

J21a – J22 C/Way Closure Diversion Route

J22 Exit Slip Road Closure Diversion Route

J21a Entry Slip Road Closure Diversion Route

Non-Motorway Traffic Diversion Route

J22 Exit Slip Road Closure Diversion Route

J21A Exit Slip Road & A46 Closure Diversion Route

J21 Exit Slip Road Closure Diversion Route

A46 NB Entry Slip Road Closure Diversion Route

We'll be performing safety barrier works with some vegetation works where required for access to provide improved safety for road users.

We’ll be carrying out work overnight, between Monday to Friday 8pm to 6am from 8 April 2024 to the end of July 2024.

In order to carry out this work safely, we’ll work under lane closures where possible, but some closures will be required to keep our workers safe.

In order to carry out this work safely, we have some specific road closures planned as detailed below


M69 southbound full closure from M1 junction 21

12 June 2024 to 20 June 2024

M69 southbound junction 2 exit slip closure

20 June 2024 to 22 June 2024

M69 southbound junction 1 exit slip closure

24 June 2024 to 26 June 2024

What does this mean for you?

During the closures, fully signed diversions will be in place.

M69 J2 entry slip closure M69 j1 exit slip

Access for emergency service vehicles will be maintained throughout.

We’ll make every effort to ensure the impact on the local community and travelling public is kept to a minimum. We always aim to work to the programme, however unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather conditions may mean changes.    

