Clean air zones and our strategic road network

We are supporting local authorities that have implemented clean air zones. These are initiatives to improve air quality through a range of innovative measures

Cleaner air ahead logo

Clean air zones can be charging or non-charging.

Drivers will pay a fee to enter charging clean air zones, depending on the type of vehicles they drive.

The aim is to reduce the number of polluting vehicles driving in the clean air zone by encouraging people to use:

  • public transport
  • cleaner active travel options (such as walking and cycling)

Clean air zones near our roads

While we don't have any clean air zones on our roads, a number of charging clean air zones are close to our strategic road network.

We support the introduction of these zones. We will use variable message signs on our nearby roads to give drivers information about the charging clean air zones they may be entering.

Current clean air zones

These local authorities have clean air zones near to our network. Follow links to learn more about each zone (from local authority sites). Our roads are shown in brackets:

Future clean air zones

These local authorities will have clean air near our network in future:


Transport for London has introduced the Ultra Low Emission Zone in the capital.

More information

Learn more about clean air zones and whether you'll need to pay a charge to drive in them on
