M5 junction 27 concrete repairs

We’re carrying out essential repairs to the concrete that makes up the base layer of M5 around junction 27 near Willand.

Start date Autumn 2024
End date Spring 2025
Cost TBC

Latest updates

  • 08 January 2025

    Contraflow update and upcoming works

    Currently we have two lanes running in each direction with all traffic using the southbound carriageway in contraflow.

    The southbound contraflow will be in place until 9pm on Monday 13 January.

    We’ll then moving the contraflow to the northbound carriageway. This will allow us to work on the southbound carriageway. 

    Weather permitting, we aim to have the northbound contraflow in place from 6am Saturday 25 January.

    Upcoming closures and diversions

    Friday 10 January to Monday 13 January - The M5 northbound junction 27 entry and exit slip roads

    Closed from 9pm on Friday 10 January until 6am on Monday 13 January, inclusive. 

    We'll divert traffic by junction 26 (Wellington) and junction 28 (Cullompton).

    Monday 13 January to Wednesday 22 January - M5 between junction 28 (Cullompton) and junction 26 (Wellington)

    Closed overnight from 9pm to 6am on weeknights only. The road will be open during the day and at weekends.

    We'll divert traffic by the A38 and B3181.

    From Tuesday 14 January 6am to Friday 24 January 9pm

    Two lanes will be open in each direction between junction 26 (Wellington) and junction 28 (Cullompton). Traffic will be using the hard shoulder.

    Friday 24 January - M5 between junction 28 (Cullompton) and junction 26 (Wellington)

    Closed from 9pm to 6am.

    We'll divert traffic by the A38 and B3181.

    From 6am Saturday 25 January

    Weather permitting the northbound contraflow will be in place.

    Two lanes will be running in each direction with all traffic using the northbound carriageway in contraflow.

    Friday 31 January to Monday 3 February - The M5 southbound junction 27 entry and exit slip roads

    Closed from 9pm on Friday 31 January until 6am on Monday 3 February, inclusive.
    We'll divert traffic by junction 26 (Wellington) and junction 28 (Cullompton).

    Friday 7 February to Monday 10 February - The M5 southbound junction 27 entry and exit slip roads

    Closed from 9pm on Friday 7 February until 6am on Monday 10 February, inclusive.
    We'll divert traffic by junction 26 (Wellington) and junction 28 (Cullompton).

    Please remember that closures can change at short notice. You can check the latest information on our daily closures page or find live travel information on our Traffic England. Our travel alerts give details of live incidents on our network.

  • 06 December 2024

    Contraflow up and running

    We now have two lanes running in each direction with all traffic using the southbound carriageway in a contraflow.

    Early next year we’ll move traffic to the northbound side to allow us to work on the southbound carriageway. We’ll provide more information as our work progresses.

    Upcoming closures and diversions

    Please note that our upcoming overnight closures will now start from 9pm until 6am. 

    Monday 9 December to Friday 13 December

    The northbound M5 will be closed between:

    • junction 28 (Cullompton) and junction 26 (Wellington) from 9pm to 6am each night.
    • Traffic will be diverted via the A38 and B3181.

    Tuesday 17 December to Thursday 19 December

    The M5 northbound junction 27 exit slip road will be closed from:

    •  9pm to 6am each night. Traffic will be diverted via junction 26.

    Please remember that closures can change at short notice. You can check the latest information on our daily closures page or find live travel information on our Traffic England. Our travel alerts give details of live incidents on our network.

  • 22 November 2024

    Contraflow now in place - upcoming overnight closures

    Our works to set up the contraflow system went well. We now have two lanes running in each direction with all traffic using the southbound carriageway in a contraflow.

    Early next year we’ll move traffic to the northbound side to allow us to work on the southbound carriageway. We’ll provide more information as our work progresses.

    Upcoming closures and diversions

    Please note that our upcoming overnight closures will now start from 9pm until 6am. 

    Monday 25 November to Friday 29 November

    The northbound M5 will be closed between junction 28 (Cullompton) and junction 26 (Wellington) from 9pm to 6am each night. Traffic will be diverted via the A38 and B3181.

    Monday 9 December to Thursday 12 December

    The northbound M5 will be closed between junction 28 (Cullompton) and junction 26 (Wellington) from 9pm to 6am each night. Traffic will be diverted via the A38 and B3181.

    Please remember that closures can change at short notice. You can check the latest information on our daily closures page or find live travel information on our Traffic England website. Our travel alerts give details of live incidents on our network.

  • 13 November 2024

    Upcoming overnight closures – now from 9pm until 6am

    Our works to repair the concrete that makes up the base layer of the M5 around junction 27 are progressing well. 

    We’re currently building the crossovers ready to enter in a contraflow system from mid-November.

    Closures and diversions

    Please note that our upcoming overnight closures will now start from 9pm until 6am. 

    Thursday 14 November to Friday 15 November

    The northbound M5 will be closed between junction 28 (Cullompton) and junction 26 (Wellington) from 9pm to 6am each night. Traffic will be diverted via the A38 and B3181.

    Saturday 16 November

    The south gyratory on junction 27 will be closed for one night from 9pm to 6am. Traffic will be diverted via B3181, Willand Road & Heathcoat Way.

    From 6am Saturday 16 November

    Two lanes will be running in each direction with all traffic using the southbound carriageway in a contraflow.
    Early next year, we’ll move traffic to the northside side to allow us to work on the southbound carriageway. We’ll provide more information as our work progresses.

    Monday 25 to Friday 29 November

    The M5 northbound junction 27 exit slip road will be closed from 9pm to 6am each night. Traffic will be diverted via junction 26.

    Monday 9 to Friday 13 December

    The M5 northbound junction 27 entry slip road will be closed from 9pm to 6am each night. Traffic will be diverted via junction 28.

    Please remember that closures can change at short notice. You can check the latest information on our daily closures page or find live travel information on our Traffic England website. Our travel alerts give details of live incidents on our network.

    Early next year, work will move traffic to the northbound side to allow work on the southbound carriageway. More information will be available as work progresses. 

  • 25 October 2024

    Our work progress and upcoming traffic management

    Our works to repair the concrete that makes up the base layer of the M5 around junction 27 are progressing well. 

    We’re currently building the crossovers ready to enter in a contraflow system from mid-November.

    Our works have now been paused for half term. We will then continue the works from week commencing Monday 4 November.

    Upcoming traffic management

    The following closures are scheduled to take place:

    • Friday 1 November
      The southbound M5 will be closed between junction 26 (Wellington) and junction 28 (Cullompton) from 8.30pm to 6am. A diversion will be in place via the A38 and the B3181.
    • Saturday 2 November to Friday 15 November
      From 6am on Saturday 2 November a lane will be closed on the southbound M5 between junction 26 (Wellington) and junction 28 (Cullompton).
    • Sunday 3 November
      The southbound M5 will be closed overnight between junction 26 (Wellington) and junction 28 (Cullompton) from 8.30pm to 6am. A diversion will be in place via the A38 and the B3181.
    • Thursday 7 November to Friday 8 November
      The southbound M5 will be closed overnight between junction 26 (Wellington) and junction 28 (Cullompton) from 8.30pm to 6am each night. A diversion will be in place via the A38 and the B3181.
    • Sunday 10 November to Wednesday 13 November
      The southbound M5 will be closed overnight between junction 26 (Wellington) and junction 28 (Cullompton) from 8.30pm to 6am each night. A diversion will be in place via the A38 and the B3181.
    • Thursday 14 November to Friday 15 November
      The northbound M5 will be closed overnight between junction 28 (Cullompton) and junction 26 (Wellington) from 8.30pm to 6am each night. Traffic will be diverted via the A38 & B3181.
    • From 6am Saturday 16 November
      Two lanes will be running in each direction with all traffic using the southbound carriageway in a contraflow system.

    Please remember that closures can change at short notice. You can check the latest information on our daily closures page or find live travel information on our Traffic England website. Our travel alerts give details of live incidents on our network.


  • 30 September 2024

    Daytime lane closures to start this week

    Thursday 3 October to Thursday 24 October

    From 6.00am on Thursday 3 October, a lane will be closed on the northbound M5 around junction 27. Three lanes will be open southbound, with traffic using the hard shoulder.

    Wednesday 23 to Thursday 25 October

    The M5 will be fully closed northbound between junction 28 (Cullompton) junction 26 (Wellington) between 8.30pm and 6am each night.

    Traffic will be diverted via the A38 & B3181.

    Friday 25 October to Monday 4 November

    Three lanes will be open in each direction over half term. Traffic will use the hard shoulder in both directions while we work in the middle of the road.

    Sunday 3 November to Saturday 9 November

    The southbound M5 will be closed between junctions 26 (Wellington) and 28 (Cullompton) from 8.30pm to 6am each night. A diversion will be in place via the A38 and the B3181.

    From 6am Saturday 9 November

    Two lanes running in each direction with all traffic using the southbound carriageway in a contraflow.

    Early next year we’ll move traffic to the northside side to allow us to work on the southbound carriageway. We’ll provide more information as our work progresses.

    This work is subject to favourable weather conditions, for example heavy rain may affect the progress.

    Please remember that closures can change at short notice. You can check the latest information on our daily closures page or find live travel information on our Traffic England site. Our travel alerts give details of live incidents on our network.

  • 16 August 2024

    Work to start in September 2024

    We’ll be carrying out our work in phases, starting after the main summer holiday time.

    As we need to remove the surface layers above the concrete, we’ll need to set up a contraflow to keep everyone on the motorway safe. We’ll be starting near the central reservation, moving across the carriageway.

    We’ll make sure three lanes are open in each direction during the October half term, and we’re due to complete our improvements in spring 2025, ahead of the Easter holidays.

    Closure and diversion route information

    Monday 16 September to Tuesday 1 October – overnight lane closures on the M5 around junction 27 (Tiverton) between 8.30pm and 6am each night. At least one lane will remain open in each direction.

    Wednesday 2 October & Thursday 3 October – the M5 will be closed southbound between junction 26 (Wellington) and junction 28 (Cullompton) between 8.30pm and 6am each night. Traffic will be diverted via the A38 & B3181.

    Friday 4 October & Saturday 5 October – the M5 will be closed northbound between junction 28 (Cullompton) and junction 26 (Wellington) between 8.30pm and 6am each night. Traffic will be diverted via the B3181 & A38.

    Saturday 5 October to Thursday 24 October – from 6.00am on Saturday 5 October, a lane will be closed on the northbound M5 around junction 27. Three lanes will be open southbound, with traffic using the hard shoulder.

    Friday 25 October to Monday 4 November – three lanes will be open in each direction over half term. Traffic will use the hard shoulder in both directions while we work in the middle of the road.

    Tuesday 5 to Friday 15 November – the southbound M5 will be closed between junctions 26 (Wellington) and 28 (Cullompton) from 8.30pm to 6am each night. A diversion will be in place via the A38 and the B3181.

    From 6am Saturday 16 November – two lanes running in each direction with all traffic using the southbound carriageway in a contraflow.

    Early next year we’ll move traffic to the northside side to allow us to work on the southbound carriageway. We’ll provide more information as our work progresses.

    This work is subject to favourable weather conditions, for example heavy rain may affect the progress.

    Please remember that closures can change at short notice. You can check the latest information on our daily closures page or find live travel information on our Traffic England site. Our travel alerts give details of live incidents on our network.

Project information


We’re carrying out essential repairs to the concrete that makes up the base layer of M5 around junction 27 near Willand.

We need to remove the surface layers above the concrete so there will be closures and a contraflow on the M5 to keep everyone on the motorway safe. 

We’ll be starting this work after the main summer holiday time, and making sure three lanes are open in each direction for October half term, to minimise disruption. Our work will finish before Easter 2025.

This will maintain and improve safety for everyone using this busy section of road and reduce the need for any unplanned closures.


Traffic information

Information about scheduled roadworks and events on our motorways and major roads.

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