A31 Ringwood road widening
Widening the A31 to three lanes at Ringwood, between the A31 junction for Ringwood town centre, the B3347 Mansfield Road and the B3081 Verwood Underpass.
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15 December 2022
Open for traffic
Our work to widen the A31 and replace the bridges over the River Avon and Bickerley Millstream has now finished and the A31 and slip roads at Ringwood and Verwood opened for traffic on Wednesday 30 November 2022.
In January this year, we closed the westbound carriageway and moved all traffic onto the eastbound carriageway using a contraflow. While the road has been closed, we’ve demolished and rebuilt the two bridges, and widened this section of the A31, creating a new third lane between the Ringwood and Verwood junctions.
The last of our traffic management was removed from the A31 at the weekend, meaning you’re now able to use three lanes westbound and eastbound has been returned to four lanes.
You may still notice our team working in the area while we carry out our final inspections and minor work in preparation to hand the road over to our maintenance team.
Project information
The A31 is an important route between Bournemouth and the Southern Coast. It experiences delays at peak times, which is caused by a high volume of traffic and the number of junctions that are close together. The route also experiences heavy seasonal congestion during the summer months, particularly during the August Bank Holiday weekend.
Our scheme will add a third lane in the westbound direction providing additional capacity. Traffic joining from the Ringwood junction onto A31 will do so via a new lane, rather than trying than merge with traffic already on the road.
We’ll be replacing the bridges that take the road over the River Avon and Bickerley Millstream, and they will be widened to allow for the additional lane.
The access to the A31 from West Street, Ringwood, will be closed, as the difference in speed between vehicles joining from West Street and those already on the A31, poses a risk for drivers.
We’re also working closely with Ringwood Town Council, Hampshire County Council and the New Forest District Council to improve routes for cyclists and pedestrians around Ringwood and the surrounding area.
The scheme will help achieve the following key strategic outcomes, as outlined in the National Highways Delivery Plan 2015-2020
Supporting Economic Growth
Supporting the development of housing and the creation of jobs, as set out in the existing and emerging Local Plans.
A safe serviceable network
Improving road safety for all road users. Due to the improvements being designed to modern highway standards appropriate for a strategic road, safety will be improved as a result of a reduction in delays, congestion and queue lengths.
A more free-flowing network
Increasing the resilience of the road in coping with incidents such as collisions, breakdowns, maintenance and extreme weather. The improved route at A31 Ringwood will be more reliable, reducing journey times and providing capacity for future traffic growth.
An improved environment
Protecting the environment from adverse impacts during and post construction for those living along the existing A31 Ringwood and minimising the impact of new infrastructure on the natural and built environment. Focus during stage 3 of the works will be in reducing construction related impacts on nearby sensitive ecological receptors, namely migratory salmon.
An accessible and integrated network
Ensuring the proposals take into account local communities and access to the road network, providing a safer route between communities for cyclists, walkers, equestrians and other non-motorist groups.
Value for Money
Ensuring that the scheme is affordable and delivers good value for money.