A3 Guildford air quality improvements

Start date Autumn 2023
End date Autumn 2024

Latest updates

  • 31 May 2024

    Survey and monitoring work continues

    We’ve been assessing potential options to address air quality issues on this stretch of the A3 at Guildford to ensure our solution provides the greatest benefits.

    We’re continuing to survey and monitor the diffusion tubes along the route to measure levels of nitrogen dioxide. Diffusion tubes are scientific devices that enable us to passively sample and measure the concentration of nitrogen dioxide.


  • 17 August 2023

    Air filtration cube trial update

    We’ve been working with a research partner on the proposed trial of air filtration cubes in Guildford. We’re really disappointed to announce that we now won’t be able to run the trial this autumn due to commercial changes within this partner organisation.

    We’re continuing with other work to better understand air quality issues along the A3 from the junction with Manor Road to the Dennis Roundabout/Wooden Bridge junction.

  • 29 June 2023

    Work starts soon

    In September we’re starting a 12-month trial of air filtration cubes. This is a UK first for highways and will take place on the corner of Wilderness Road in Guildford.

    We’ll be closing Wilderness Road for a month between the junction with the A3 and Queen Eleanors Road while we install the cubes. Once the cubes are in place just the junction with the A3 will remain closed for a further 12 months. The equipment will then be removed at the end of this trial period.

    A signed diversion will be in place to direct drivers to use the Cathedral Roundabout if approaching from the north or to use Manor Way if wanting to join the A3 southbound.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Project information


Air quality monitoring to date has shown that the A3 at Guildford suffers from some of the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide on our road network.

We're looking specifically at air quality issues on the section of the A3 through Guildford from the existing junction with Manor Road (to the south) to the existing Dennis Roundabout / Wooden Bridge junction (to the north).

This project will help us better understand air quality in this area and identify possible environmental and engineering solutions to help reduce the levels of harmful emissions.

Limiting these emissions will not only improve the health and wellbeing of those living and working in the area but will also contribute to reducing the impacts of climate change.


Traffic information

Information about scheduled roadworks and events on our motorways and major roads.

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