Lower Thames Crossing planning decision moves a step closer

The Examining Authority has sent their recommendation report on the Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order application to the Secretary of State for Transport

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27 Mar 2024

On 21 March, the Planning Inspectorate confirmed that the Examining Authority has sent their recommendation report on the Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order (DCO) application to the Secretary of State for Transport. The recommendation report summarises the findings of the DCO examination and gives a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport on whether to give permission to build and operate the new crossing.

The Secretary of State now has up to three months to make a decision on whether to grant the DCO. The Examining Authority’s recommendation report is not published until a decision is made by the Secretary of State.

You can find out more and sign up for email updates about the application progress on the Planning Inspectorate’s website. 

Read more about the process to get permission to build and operate the Lower Thames Crossing. 

Find out how your feedback has shaped our proposals

Lower Thames Crossing Rectory Road
Lower Thames Crossing Rectory Road

For further information contact us at info@lowerthamescrossing.co.uk or by calling 0300 123 5000. You can also get the latest updates on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and our YouTube channel.
