A5 Towcester improvements
The A5 in Towcester has longstanding issues with the high levels of traffic passing through its historic town centre, causing environmental, safety and accessibility concerns to residents and businesses. We’ve now been able to develop options to help improve Towcester town centre.
Latest updates
06 June 2023
Preferred Scheme Announcement
Following our options consultation last summer, we’ve incorporated the feedback we received and will be taking Option A forward to the next stage.
This scheme will benefit Towcester by improving road safety, accessibility, air quality and noise impact by reducing traffic through the town centre. It will also support economic growth by making the high street through Towcester a more attractive place to visit and preserve the history and identity of the town.
You can find more information on the scheme, including what changes we made and our plans here: A5 Towcester Preferred Option
The next step will be updating our business case to help secure the funding needed to complete the final design stage and deliver the scheme.
Project information
The main objectives of the scheme are:
- to improve safety for all
- to reduce the impact of air and noise pollution on surrounding environments and habitats
- to increase the number of trips made in Towcester by walking and cycling
- to help boost the local economy through increased trade and footfall
- to make Towcester’s high street an attractive place to visit
- to improve accessibility to Towcester town centre for everyone
- to preserve Towcester’s rich history and identity
This proposed scheme aims to encourage through traffic, and in particular goods vehicles, to use the new link road and the A43 as an alternative to the A5. This will alleviate some of the more disruptive traffic from the town centre, improving accessibility and quality of life in Towcester.

Traffic information
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