A46 Newark Bypass

The A46 Newark Bypass is an important route connecting the M1 and Leicester to the A1 and central Lincolnshire.

Start date 2024 -25
End date Road Period 3 (2025 - 2030)
Cost £400m - £500m

Latest updates

  • 28 May 2024

    A46 Newark Bypass plans accepted for examination

    On 23 May 2024, the Planning Inspectorate confirmed it has accepted our application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) for detailed examination.

    A Notice under Section 56 of the Planning Act 2008 informs the public of this.

    Read the A46 Newark Bypass Section 56 Notice.

    Following months of work finalising our plans for the improvements to the A46 Newark Bypass we submitted our DCO to the Planning Inspectorate on 26 April 2024.

    Our DCO is a collection of assessments, data, plans and proposals, which outline how we plan to deliver the A46 Newark Bypass scheme, between Farndon and Winthorpe roundabouts.

    The application also includes our consultation report, which includes the comments and questions we received to our statutory and targeted consultations, along with our responses.

    Our application documents are available on the Planning Inspectorate website.

    The planning process takes around 12 months including six months of examination, some taking place at public hearings.

    Watch this short video from the Planning Inspectorate, explaining the six stages of the development consent process.

    What happens next - the pre-examination stage

    Anyone, including businesses, or individuals, can register as an 'Interested Party'.

    By doing this, you will be able to submit a written representation or attend a public hearing to present your views on the project.

    During this stage, the Planning Inspectorate will also:

    • appoint a panel of inspectors to serve as the Examining Authority
    • hold a first meeting, called the 'Preliminary Hearing' to discuss procedural issues and the timetable for examination

    Keep in touch

    Use the link on the right of this page to receive email alerts when we update information on the A46 Newark Bypass.

    You can also register to receive email alerts from the Planning Inspectorate.

    You can contact our team directly by email: A46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk  

  • 20 December 2023

    2023 Summary Newsletter

    As the end of the year approaches, we’ve been looking back at our activities throughout 2023.

    The majority of our focus has been on reviewing the results of our consultations and finalising our design, assessments and plans to submit within our Development Consent Order to the Planning Inspectorate.

    But alongside that we’ve been busy in other areas of our work in the community, getting involved in volunteering, charity fundraising and inspiring the next generation of constructions specialists.

    For more information take a look at our 2023 Summary Newsletter here

    Need to contact us during the festive break? Our phone line and inbox will still be monitored during this time, so please continue to get in touch via A46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk or 0300 123 5000.

  • 04 December 2023

    Update to clarify our traffic figures

    During our statutory consultation we provided a brochure which included a double page spread (pages 30-31) showing the traffic figures for the scheme.

    In response to our consultation some of you had queries regarding the traffic figures illustrated. To address this, we’ve taken steps to provide some clarity and have amended the headline to state that the figures shown are ‘Annual Average Daily Traffic’ (AADT). Our intention is to ensure a better understanding of the information provided. You can view our updated map of the traffic figures here

    The figures presented haven’t changed from those shown in the consultation brochure and are the figures that resulted from the traffic modelling work to inform the Preliminary Environmental Information Report.

    As part of our preparation of the final application for development consent we’re further developing our traffic model which will result in an updated set of traffic forecasts.

    This latest information will be set out in the Transport Assessment which will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate as part of the application for development consent.

    Get in touch

    We appreciate your feedback, should you have any thoughts or questions regarding this update, please email: A46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk

    To keep up to date with developments on the A46 Newark Bypass sign up for updates via this webpage.

  • 06 October 2023

    Submitting our Development Consent Order

    We’re currently preparing to submit our Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the A46 Newark Bypass scheme. The DCO application is a collection of assessments, data, plans and proposals which outline how we intend to deliver the scheme between Farndon and Winthorpe roundabouts.

    We had planned to submit these documents to the Planning Inspectorate in autumn 2023; however, the predicted cost of the scheme has risen above the £500m threshold. This means it now falls under the governance of the Department for Transport (DfT) and Treasury rather than National Highways.

    Due to additional governance, we’ll now submit our DCO application at the beginning of next year. This does not impact stakeholders or our commitment to delivering these improvements to this vital link road; we’ll continue to work closely with DfT in the development and delivery of the scheme.

    Contact us

    If you have any queries regarding our latest update, please email:  A46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk.

    To keep up to date with developments on the A46 Newark Bypass sign up for updates via this webpage.

  • 24 July 2023

    Consultation summary report

    Following the completion of our targeted consultation in April 2023, we’ve been reviewing the responses from this and our statutory consultation, which closed in December 2022.

    While work continues on our full consultation report, ready for submission to the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport) this autumn, we’ve been able to share the common themes and comments, to give you an early look at the results. You can view the summary report here.

    The full consultation report will address all the points raised by stakeholders across the scheme in the annexes.

    If you’re interested in receiving updates on our consultation report once it is available via the Planning Inspectorate webpage, please sign up for email updates via infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/east-midlands/a46-newark-bypass/

    If you have any queries regarding our latest updates, please email: A46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk  

  • 03 July 2023

    Ongoing Surveys

    Over the past few months you might have spotted our specialist survey teams in the fields, lanes, roads and water courses surrounding Newark.

    We’ve been busy completing a range of surveys looking in detail at groundwater, water quality, ground investigation, noise, air quality, utilities and wildlife, including habitats.

    As part of our commitment to non-motorised users, we’ve also been looking at how walkers, cyclists and horse riders interact with junctions and the public right of way network that surrounds the scheme from Farndon to Winthorpe.

    These survey results and mitigation plans will inform the Environmental Statement for the scheme, which is due to be delivered with the Delivery Consent Order to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) this summer.

    Surveying Smeaton’s Arches

    One of the largest surveying jobs involved the area of Newark’s historic Smeaton’s Arches, on the northern arm of the Cattle Market roundabout.

    Built between 1768-1770 and widened in the 1920s, the 74-arch causeway carries Newark’s Great North Road (A616) across the River Trent floodplain from Newark to South Muskham.

    The Grade II listed, red brick arches are the work of John Smeaton, who is considered the father of civil engineering. 

    Surveying the arches involved the use of laser scanning equipment to create an accurate, detailed 3D model of the structure.

    Survey teams used an innovative technology developed by Skanska, called GeoBIM, to host the laser scanned data received from National Highways AVIS Point Cloud system.

    The project team, in particular our designers, will use the GeoBIM to take accurate measurements of the structure at any point without needing to visit in person.

    As the scheme design develops designers, construction teams and supply chain can take accurate measurements from the model and collaborate to see how the new roundabout junction will interface with Smeaton's Arches, without the need to step back on site.

    This technology has also been used on other sites across the scheme including Windmill Viaduct, the area of the scheme just after Farndon roundabout where the road crosses the River Trent.

  • 23 May 2023

    Social value funding applications are open

    Farndon Cricket Club has become the first organisation to benefit from new community funding provided by the team behind the planned dualling of the A46 Newark Bypass.

    As well as providing money for local projects, the social value fund is part of our wider commitment to give back to the area by providing volunteer time or materials and supporting students by arranging career-related activities in schools and colleges.

    Farndon Cricket Club has been awarded just over £6,800 to buy covers to lay over the pitch which will enable more matches and events to go ahead despite any adverse weather.

    Farndon Cricket Club Chairman Mark Everington said: “The funds we have received will make a huge difference to our club. It will enable us to provide more opportunities to play cricket which in turn will benefit the local community as a whole.

    “Without this funding we wouldn’t have been able to afford the new equipment we are currently purchasing. Everyone at Farndon Cricket Club would like to pass on their thanks for the donation.”

    Now other organisations are being encouraged to get in touch to find out more about how the fund can help them, whether they could benefit from a financial award, materials or volunteers to help complete a project.

    How to find out more

    A drop-in session is being held on Thursday 1 June at the Bean Block Café, Unit 24, St Marks Place, Newark, NG24 1XT, from 11am to 2pm. Members of the public are invited to attend to pick up an application form and talk to the team about their potential projects.

    People unable to attend this session can email A46NewarkBypass@nationalhighways.co.uk for more details or to request an application form and guidance notes.

    Applications are welcome around the four themes of National Highways’ social value framework:

    • Economic prosperity
    • Improving the environment
    • Community wellbeing; and
    • Equality, diversity and inclusion

    More information about these themes can be found on the social value webpage

  • 16 March 2023

    Scheme design update

    As mentioned in our previous update, we’ve been analysing your responses from the statutory consultation which closed in December 2022. Since then, we’ve updated our scheme design as a result of your feedback and ongoing engagement.

    Due to the updates that have been made, we’re now undertaking a targeted consultation with statutory consultees and local stakeholders. This consultation activity will take place over the next month so we can gather feedback on our latest scheme proposals.

    Most of our updates have been made to the scheme boundary, also referred to as ‘draft order limits’ or the ‘red line boundary’. This is the land we would seek to acquire either temporarily or permanently if our application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) is approved.

    One of the updates is to the design of Winthorpe roundabout. It would still form a through-about junction, however two lanes from the Friendly Farmer roundabout single carriageway link would now pass through the middle of the roundabout. Additionally, a signalised walking and cycling route would be provided to cross the junction between the A113 and Drove Lane.

    View our latest Revised Draft Order Limits Plan and updated Scheme Design Map.

    If you have any queries regarding our latest updates, please email: A46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk 

    Find out more about how we develop a new road scheme:

  • 06 March 2023

    Update on statutory consultation

    Thank you to everyone who took part in our statutory consultation between Wednesday 26 October and Monday 12 December 2022.

    More than 730 people visited one of our consultation events, either in person or online. Attendees were able to learn more about our designs for the A46 Newark Bypass, speak to the project team and share their feedback. During this consultation period we received 539 responses.

    Ngozi Abakasanga, Project Manager for National Highways, said: “I would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to our consultation. Your comments will help us further shape the A46 Newark Bypass scheme, enabling us to improve safety, congestion and connectivity in the town and wider region.”

    We’re currently in the process of analysing your responses from the statutory consultation to further develop our proposals. We’re working hard to ensure we can design and deliver a scheme that benefits everyone.

    Your feedback has already helped to inform some design changes. We’ll be carrying out targeted consultations with statutory consultees and affected landowners to seek their views on our latest design. We’ll share further information on this soon.

    Next steps

    We expect to submit our application to the Planning Inspectorate this summer, the full consultation report will be included as part of the application – all of which will be available to the public.

    If our Development Consent Order (DCO) application is accepted by the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport) an Examining Authority will consider the application, and any representations, which will take up to six months. During the examination stage, anybody with an interest in the scheme can make representations in writing, or verbally at public hearings.

    Although the consultation is now closed, you can still view the consultation materials and information about the scheme on our webpage. We’ll continue to update this page with further information about the scheme.

  • 13 December 2022

    Our statutory consultation is closed

    The statutory consultation on the A46 Newark Bypass has now closed.

    All responses will now be reviewed and considered when making further refinements to the proposed scheme design.

    We’ll produce a summary of the responses in a consultation report and include details about how consultation feedback has helped to shape our proposals.

    The consultation report will form part of our DCO application and will be made available to the public after submission of the application, which we expect to be in summer/autumn 2023.

    If our DCO application is accepted by the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport) an Examining Authority will consider the application, and any representations, which will take up to six months. During the examination stage, anybody with an interest in the scheme can make representations in writing, or verbally at public hearings.

    The Examining Authority will report its recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport, who has a further three months to make a final decision on whether or not to grant a DCO for the scheme. If our application is approved, work on the scheme is expected to start in 2025.

    If you would like any further information about the DCO application process, please visit the Planning Inspectorate’s website: infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/application-process

    Find out more about how we develop a new road scheme:

  • 16 November 2022

    Statutory consultation in progress

    We’re currently consulting on our proposals for the A46 Newark Bypass scheme and want to hear your views on our latest design. The consultation is running until the 12 December 2022.

    As requested by stakeholders, we've provided artist impressions from selected locations along the scheme route here.

    Key information:

    Your feedback is important and will continue to help shape the design of the scheme before we submit an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO).

    Consultation events

    We’ve been holding consultation events so you can speak to members of staff about the scheme. Our remaining events are as follows:

    Newark Market Place (Engagement Van)
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1DU
    19 November 2022 10am to 2pm
    Newark Retail Park (Engagement Van)
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1GA
    20 November 2022 10am to 2pm
    Newark Town Hall
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1DU
    30 November 2022 11am to 4pm

    Online Information Event
    Event link

    5 December 2022 6pm to 8pm


    Any changes to these events will be communicated on our scheme webpage and on social media. You can also call us to confirm that an event is going ahead. For information on our previous consultation events please see page 14 of our brochure.

    Copies of our consultation brochure and response form are available free of charge at deposit locations and consultation events throughout the consultation period. We’ve listed the deposit locations on page 15 of our brochure.

    How to respond to our consultation

    • Complete our response form online
    • Complete a copy of our printed response form and post it back to our team using the scheme freepost address: Freepost A46 NEWARK BYPASS
      There’s no need for a stamp when using this freepost address.
    • Complete a copy of our printed response form and give it to a member of staff at one of our consultation events.

    For further information about the scheme or the consultation please contact us using the scheme email address A46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk or call our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000.

  • 25 October 2022

    Statutory consultation launched

    We’re consulting on our proposals for the A46 Newark Bypass scheme and want to hear your views on our latest design.

    The consultation will run from 26 October to 12 December 2022

    Your feedback is important and will continue to help shape the design of the scheme before we submit an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO).

    Here’s the key information you need to know:

    We’re holding consultation events throughout this period, where you can speak to members of staff about the scheme. Our events are as follows:

    Location  Date Time
    Newark Showground (Engagement Van)
    Gift and Food Show, Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2NY
    29 October 2022 9am to 5pm
    Newark Showground (Engagement Van)
    Gift and Food Show, Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2NY
    30 October 2022 9am to 4pm
    Farndon Memorial Hall
    Marsh Lane, Farndon, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 3SZ
    8 November 2022 3pm to 8pm
    Newark Town Hall
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1DU
    9 November 2022 11am to 4pm
    Bridge Community Centre
    Lincoln Road, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2DQ
    10 November 2022 3pm to 8pm
    Winthorpe Community Centre
    Woodlands, Winthorpe, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2NL
    12 November 2022 12 noon to 5pm
    The Fox Inn
    Main Street, Newark-on-Trent, NG23 5QP
    15 November 2022 3pm to 8pm
    Newark Market Place (Engagement Van)
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1DU
    19 November 2022 10am to 2pm
    Newark Retail Park (Engagement Van)
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1GA
    20 November 2022 10am to 2pm
    Newark Town Hall
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1DU
    30 November 2022 11am to 4pm


    Any changes to these events will be communicated on our scheme webpage and on social media. You can also call us to confirm that an event is going ahead.

    We're also holding online information events on:

    More information about how to join these events online will be provided on our webpage soon.

    Copies of our consultation brochure and response form are available free of charge at deposit locations and consultation events throughout the consultation period.  The deposit locations are:

    Location Opening hours  
    Newark Indoor Bowls Centre
    Newark Showground, Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2NY
    Monday to Friday:
    Saturday and Sunday:
    9.45am to 9.30pm
    9.30am to 2:30pm
    The Lord Nelson
    Gainsborough Rd, Winthorpe, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2NN
    Monday to Saturday:
    10am to 10pm
    10am to 7pm
    Bridge Community Centre
    Lincoln Road, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2DQ
    Monday to Sunday: 8.30am to 9pm
    Newark & Sherwood District Council
    Castle House, Great North Road, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1BY
    Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
    The Fox Inn
    Main Street, Newark-on-Trent, NG23 5QP
    Monday to Thursday:
    Friday and Saturday: Sunday:
    12 noon to 10pm
    12 noon to 11pm
    12 noon to 8pm
    Newark Library
    Balderton Gate, Town Centre, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1UW


    9am to 6.30pm
    9am to 6pm
    9am to 6.30pm
    9am to 6pm
    9am to 6pm
    9am to 4pm
    The Lord Ted
    Farndon Road,
    Newark-on-Trent, NG24 4SW
    Monday to Sunday: 11am to 11pm


    The opening times of these deposit locations may be subject to change due to circumstances out of our control. If in doubt, please contact a location before visiting.

    How to respond to our consultation
    • Complete our response form online
    • Complete a copy of our printed response form and post it back to our team using the scheme freepost address: Freepost A46 NEWARK BYPASS
      There’s no need for a stamp when using this freepost address.
    • Complete a copy of our printed response form and give it to a member of staff at one of our consultation events.

    For further information about the scheme or the consultation please contact us using the scheme email address A46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk or call our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000.

  • 17 October 2022

    Statutory consultation coming soon…

    We’re planning to hold a statutory consultation on the A46 Newark Bypass scheme from 26 October to 12 December 2022.


    More information and our consultation materials will be available from 26 October on our scheme webpage.


    We'll also be holding consultation events throughout the consultation period where you can speak to members of our project team about the scheme. Our events are as follows:


    Location  Date Time
    Newark Showground (Engagement Van)
    Gift and Food Show, Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2NY
    29 October 2022 9am to 5pm
    Newark Showground (Engagement Van)
    Gift and Food Show, Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2NY
    30 October 2022 9am to 4pm
    Farndon Memorial Hall
    Marsh Lane, Farndon, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 3SZ
    8 November 2022 3pm to 8pm
    Newark Town Hall
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1DU
    9 November 2022 11am to 4pm
    Bridge Community Centre
    Lincoln Road, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2DQ
    10 November 2022 3pm to 8pm
    Winthorpe Community Centre
    Woodlands, Winthorpe, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 2NL
    12 November 2022 12 noon to 5pm
    The Fox Inn
    Main Street, Newark-on-Trent, NG23 5QP
    15 November 2022 3pm to 8pm
    Newark Market Place (Engagement Van)
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1DU
    19 November 2022 10am to 2pm
    Newark Retail Park (Engagement Van)
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1GA
    20 November 2022 10am to 2pm
    Newark Town Hall
    Market Place, Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1DU
    30 November 2022 11am to 4pm


    If you have any further queries, please email:


  • 06 October 2022

    Land Referencing Activity

    As part of our project development, we're carrying out a land referencing activity to understand land ownership in the areas potentially affected by the upgraded A46 Newark Bypass.

    We've sent out Land Interest Questionnaires (LIQ) to owners of these plots of land, which you can view here. If you have received this letter and LIQ, it is genuine.

    If you have received anything separate to the above letter or from anybody other than ourselves asking for information on your property, this may not be genuine. Please note our project team may be contacting some landowners directly regarding land access for project surveys.

    If you have any doubt on the legitimacy of information or requests being distributed by ourselves or the Local Authority, please contact us on a46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk or 0300 123 5000, or Newark and Sherwood District Council on customerservices@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk or 01636 650 000.

  • 21 September 2022

    Draft Preliminary Design  

    Please note since this notice, we've now updated our design. We'll be publishing the latest version of our preliminary design during our statutory consultation, which starts on 26 October 2022. 

    As part of our ongoing engagement on the scheme we're sharing our latest draft preliminary design. Please note as it's a large file it may take a few seconds to load.

    This shows updates that have been made to our scheme design since the Preferred Route Announcement in February 2022.

    This design is still being updated ahead of our statutory consultation.

    We're now planning for the statutory consultation and will provide further information about how can you get involved very soon. If you have any further queries, please:

    If you'd like to find out more about the Planning Inspectorate process, you can visit: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/east-midlands/a46-newark-bypass/


  • 24 August 2022

    Contractor appointed to deliver A46 Newark Bypass

    National Highways has today named the company that will be delivering a new bypass in Nottinghamshire which will fill in the dual carriageway gap on the crucial A46 trade corridor, subject to a decision from the Transport Secretary.

    Skanska has been given the contract to design and construct the new A46 Newark Bypass which will ease congestion for drivers, lower the risk of accidents and give businesses a more reliable connection for trade.

    Find out more.

  • 12 August 2022

    Surveys in Kelham and Averham

    As part of the project development process, we will need to undertake surveys to assess the appropriateness of floodplain compensation in fields near Kelham and Averham.

    Following further assessments undertaken by the designers on the Preferred Route Announcement, we have identified the need for flood compensation within the areas adjacent to the A46 Newark Bypass scheme.

    You can read our latest newsletter to find out more information about the surveys we are undertaking in this area.

  • 12 May 2022

    Project Development Update

    Since our Preferred Route Announcement in February 2022, we have begun the preliminary design stage of the project. We are grateful to local residents, groups and businesses that continue to meet and give us their constructive feedback. This will help inform the plans as we progress to a statutory consultation to be held within the next 9 months.

    Over the next few months, we will be carrying out a range of surveys to gather information on the existing environment around the planned route of the improvement scheme. These surveys will help develop our understanding of the surrounding area which will inform our environmental impact assessments and development of the scheme design, helping us to reduce the environmental impacts during the design development.

    You can read our spring newsletter to find out more about the surveys we are undertaking.

  • 24 February 2022

    Preferred Route Announcement

    Click here to join our public briefing at 6pm on Wednesday 9 March

    During December 2020 and February 2021, we held a public consultation to seek views on two proposals, Options 1 and 2, which we had put forward for the Newark Bypass scheme. Over 1,500 people responded to our consultation and we’ve used this feedback to understand local views and shape our proposals.

    We’re now able to confirm we have chosen an amended version of Option 2, called Option 2 modified, as our preferred route for the scheme.

    You can find out more about the preferred route in our brochure.

    What Option 2 Modified looks like

    The preferred route will feature:

    • Widening the A46 to a dual carriageway to provide two lanes in each direction between the Farndon and Winthorpe junctions
    • A new bridge over the A1 to the north of the existing bridge
    • A flyover junction at Cattle Market with the A46 elevated to pass over the roundabout
    • Traffic lights to Farndon junction to improve traffic flows during peak hours
    • A five-arm roundabout at Winthorpe roundabout with traffic lights to connect the new A46 link

    While key features of the scheme remain the same as Option 2, following your feedback and additional assessments, we have modified the route to be further away from Winthorpe, and partially back on to the existing A46, between Friendly Farmer roundabout and Winthorpe junction.

    Come and speak to us about the scheme

    We’re holding information events with our engagement van at the start of March. Our project team will be there to discuss the route with you and answer any questions you might have.

    Join us on:

    • Thursday 3 March at the Lord Nelson Pub 9am to 1pm. Lord Nelson Pub, Gainsborough Road, Winthorpe, Newark NG24 2NN.
    • Friday 4 March at the Lord Ted Pub 3pm to 8pm. Lord Ted Pub, Farndon Road, Newark NG24 4SW.
    • Saturday 5 March Newark Market Place 9am to 2pm. Market Place, Newark NG24 1DU.

    We'll also be holding an online event using Microsoft Teams on 9 March from 6pm to 7pm.

    Click here to join the online meeting on the day and time of the event.

    What happens next

    We are currently at the end of our option selection stage.

    We are committed to engaging with local communities and road users during the development and construction of this project. During the next stage of the scheme, we’ll carry out further surveys and assessments to allow us to develop the design of the preferred option further. As part of this process, we will hold a further consultation to get your feedback on a more detailed design of the scheme before we continue the scheme’s development.


  • 16 September 2021

    Preferred Route Announcement update

    Since our public consultation earlier this year, where we presented possible options for improving the A46 between the Farndon and Winthorpe roundabouts, we’ve been using the local knowledge and views we received to help us develop the best option for improving this section of the A46. We intended to make an announcement on our preferred route in summer 2021, but this will now be later than planned. We expect it to be later this year or early next year.

    There are a number of steps we need to go through before we can announce a preferred route, and we’re continuing to work through these steps, along with the Department for Transport and the Government. We’ll provide updates on our webpage in due course. 

    While we’re not yet able to start the next stage of work or confirm the route we’ll be taking forward, we’re continuing to prepare for the next stage and will be carrying out further survey work this autumn and winter to collect more information about current conditions along the A46 route.

  • 26 July 2021

    Remaining survey work planned

    During the summer, we’ve been continuing with our survey works to collect information about the land and ground conditions alongside the existing A46.

    We’re now approaching the end of these surveys, with the work due to end on Tuesday 3 August.

    From Monday 26 July to Friday 30 July, and again on Monday 2 August, we'll have temporary traffic lights in place overnight on the A46 in Newark between the Farndon and Winthorpe roundabouts. The lights will be in operation overnight only, between 8pm and 6am, to minimise disruption to traffic as much as possible.

    To complete the work safely, we’ll be closing a short section of one lane at locations along the A46. Traffic will be able to pass in both directions, via the traffic light system.

    We’ll be using drilling rigs to collect samples of the underlying geology to provide us with information about the land and ground conditions. The drilling may cause some noise disturbance to nearby properties. In addition to using drilling rigs, we’re also carrying out walkover and aerial surveys, as well as carrying out sampling and shallow excavation work. We apologise for any disruption this work causes you.

    We need to do these surveys to better understand the land conditions surrounding the existing road, and the data we collect will help to develop the scheme.

  • 21 May 2021

    Public consultation report published

    Following the public consultation on our options to improve the A46 Newark Bypass, we have now published our Consultation Report.

    The report outlines our options to improve the A46 Newark bypass, the key issues and summarises the responses to our options consultation.

    We are grateful to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts and suggestions which are a critical element of the decision-making process and in developing the plans for this much-needed upgrade.

    We’ll use the feedback to help shape our proposals and decide on a preferred route later this year for the multi-million-pound upgrade to the A46 at Newark.

    If you have difficulty accessing the report or wish to request a hard copy, please email the project team at a46newarkbypass@highwaysengland.co.uk or call our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000.

  • 18 May 2021

    Survey works planned until summer 2021– some overnight works to take place

    We have been carrying out survey works to collect information about the land and ground conditions alongside the existing A46 network, from the Farndon roundabout to the Winthorpe roundabout.

    In the next stage of survey works, we will start working on the existing A46 network.

    The work will be carried out overnight Monday to Friday, between 8pm and 6am, to minimise disruption to traffic as much as possible. To complete the work safely, we’ll put in place temporary traffic signals each night, closing a short section of one lane, at locations along the A46 between the Farndon and Winthorpe roundabouts. Traffic will be able to pass in both directions, via the traffic light system.

    To effectively collect information about the land and ground conditions we’ll be using drilling rigs to collect samples of the underlying geology, which may cause some noise disturbance to nearby properties due to the nature of the work. We apologise in advance for this, and will keep noise to a minimum as far as we can.

    Existing works taking place off the existing A46 network will continue to take place between 8am and 5pm wherever possible, to minimise disruption to the local community.

    In addition to using drilling rigs to collect sample cores of the underlying geology, the works include walkover and aerial surveys, as well as carrying out sampling and shallow excavation works.

    We need to do these surveys to better understand the land conditions surrounding the existing road, and the data we collect will help to develop the scheme.

    The surveys will be completed by early summer 2021.

    We will continue to update this page with additional information as the survey works progress.

  • 03 February 2021

    Consultation now closed

    Our public consultation has now closed. Thank you to everybody who took the time to provide us with your feedback on the options we presented. We’ll now take time to analyse and consider the feedback we received, and we will publish a consultation report.

    We will use your feedback to help us make a decision on a preferred route announcement, and we’ll make this announcement later this year. This is where we confirm which option we will take forward to improve the A46 Newark Bypass.

    Although our consultation has now closed, we’d still like to hear from you. If you have any questions or would like more information about the project or what happens next, you can contact us using the following details:

    Email: a46newarkbypass@highwaysengland.co.uk
    Telephone: 0300 123 5000

    We may not post any updates about this scheme for some time while we analyse the responses, but we will be carrying out more engagement with communities and stakeholders when we reach our preferred route announcement. We hope to be able to hold face-to-face events for this, depending on social distancing restrictions at the time. You can subscribe to be alerted by email when we update this webpage in the future.

    This short video gives more information about how we develop major road projects and the process we expect to follow to obtain planning permission to build the scheme.

Project information


The A46 Newark Bypass is a critical part of our investment to make all our major roads more dependable, durable and most importantly, safe. Our improvements to the route that connects the M1 and Leicester to the A1 and central Lincolnshire will help reduce congestion in the area. 

We propose to improve the A46 Newark bypass by widening 6.5km of the existing single carriageway to a dual carriageway, to provide two lanes in each direction between Farndon and Winthorpe roundabouts near Newark-on-Trent. You can find more information in our consultation brochure.

Scheme Objectives


Improve safety through scheme design to reduce collisions for all users of the A46 scheme.


Improve journey time and journey time reliability along the A46 and its junctions between Farndon and Winthorpe, including all approaches and A1 slip roads.


Accommodate economic growth in Newark-on-Trent and the wider area by improving its strategic and local connectivity.


Deliver better environmental outcomes by achieving a net gain in biodiversity, and improve noise levels at Noise Important Areas along the A46 between Farndon and
Winthorpe roundabouts.


Build an inclusive scheme which improves facilities for cyclists, walkers and other vulnerable road users where existing routes are affected.

The aims of the scheme are to:

  • Boost business productivity and economic growth by providing a more reliable road network and improved local access
  • Increase capacity, reduce delays and incidents, and improve journey times
  • Improve resilience on the network


Consultation Brochure

Consultation Response Form

Forecast Traffic Map (vehicles) - Annual Average Daily Traffic - Updated December 2023

General Arrangement Drawings

Plan and Profile Drawings

A46 Newark Bypass fly-through video

Artist impressions from selected locations

Preliminary Environmental Information (PEI) Volume 1 Main Report

PEI Volume 2 Figures Contents Page

PEI Volume 2 Figure 2.1 Environmental Constraints Plan

PEI Volume 2 Figure 2.2 Current Draft Order Limits

PEI Volume 2 Figure 2.3 Indicative Environmental Masterplan

PEI Volume 2 Figure 6.1 Operational Receptors

PEI Volume 2 Figure 6.2 Air Quality Monitoring

PEI Volume 2 Figure 6.3 Construction Dust Buffer

PEI Volume 2 Figure 7.1 Cultural Heritage Designated Assets

PEI Volume 2 Figure 7.2 Cultural Heritage Non-Designated Assets

PEI Volume 2 Figure 7.3 Cultural Heritage Events

PEI Volume 2 Figure 8.1 Zone of Theoretical Visibility - Existing

PEI Volume 2 Figure 8.2 Landscape Character Areas

PEI Volume 2 Figure 8.3 Visual Receptor Plan

PEI Volume 2 Figure 8.4 Zone of Theoretical Visibility - Post-development

PEI Volume 2 Figure 9.1 Statutory and Non-Statutory Designated Sites within 2km of the Draft Order Limits

PEI Volume 2 Figure 10.1 Potential Sources of Contamination

PEI Volume 2 Figure 12.1 Noise Important Areas

PEI Volume 2 Figure 12.2 Noise Monitoring Locations

PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.1 Local Impact Area

PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.2 Wider Impact Area

PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.3 Residential Properties Situated within the Local Impact Area

PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.4 Community Land Assets Situated within the Local Impact Area

PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.5 Open Spaces and Recreational Routes

PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.6 Businesses Situated within the Local Impact Area

PEI Volume 2 Figure 14.1 Surface Water Constraints

PEI Volume 2 Figure 14.2 Flood Zones

PEI Volume 2 Figure 14.3 Groundwater Constraints

PEI Volume 3 Non-Technical Summary

Section 47 Notice

Section 48 Notice

Statement of Community Consultation

Traffic information

Information about scheduled roadworks and events on our motorways and major roads.

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