A38 Derby junctions
The A38 is an important route from Birmingham to Derby and through to the M1 at junction 28. Where it passes through Derby, long distance traffic interacts with a large volume of vehicles making local journeys causing congestion and delays.
Latest updates
28 February 2024
Legal challenge to Development Consent Order (DCO)
After a redetermination period, we were granted our DCO again on 17 August 2023. We then entered a 6-week challenge period.
A legal challenge was submitted to the Government.
The challenge focused on two main areas:
- the economic assessment submitted and alleged failures in the application process
- how cumulative carbon assessments were carried out
An oral hearing to the challenge was granted and took place on Wednesday 20 December 2023.
Two elements of the claimant’s carbon challenges were dismissed. A third part was put on hold as it was subject to another case with the Court of Appeal.
On 22 February 2024, we were informed that this Court determined the cumulative carbon impact had been properly assessed. This resulted in the dismissal of the third part of the claim.
We welcome the Court's decisions.
Economic assessment
The challenge regarding the economic assessment was granted permission for review by the High Court.
The next hearing on economic assessment is expected on Tuesday 14 May 2024. We should learn the outcome of this hearing 6 to 8 weeks afterwards.
Effect on the scheme
Due to the outstanding legal challenge, we’ve been unable to:
- start the process of appointing a new contractor for this scheme
- fully remobilise the project team
We understand this may be disappointing for you to hear as it will inevitably mean more delay for our project programme.
We're still committed to delivering these essential upgrades. We’ll continue to update you as we learn more.
17 August 2023
Development Consent Order update
On 17 August 2023 the Secretary of State for Transport redetermined and approved the A38 Derby Junctions Development Consent Order. This means we now have planning permission to upgrade the Kingsway, Markeaton and Little Eaton roundabouts.
While we still need to get final approval to start construction, we’ll begin to remobilise and reprogramme the project over the next 12 months. We’ll therefore update customers and stakeholders on when we’ll start construction as soon as possible.
You can find out more on the Planning Inspectorate's website under 'Documents'.
Project information
To make journeys smoother for motorists, we have identified the following 3 existing roundabout junctions which require upgrades to the west and north of Derby city centre:
- A38/A5111 Kingsway roundabout
- A38/A52 Markeaton roundabout
- A38/A61 Little Eaton roundabout
After delivering improvement schemes at Little Eaton and Markeaton roundabouts in 2014/2015 to reduce congestion in the short term, we have been developing longer term plans to resolve the traffic problems more permanently.
The Government’s strategic vision for the road network is to make journeys better in the Midlands by operating, maintaining and improving major A roads and motorways, through a programme of investment to ensure that the region’s roads are fit for now and the future. The specific objectives of the A38 Derby Junctions scheme are to:
- reduce congestion and improve the reliability of journey times between Birmingham, Derby and the M1
- help facilitate regional development and growth in Derby City and its surrounding
- improve safety for all road users, and for those people living near the junctions
- connect people by maintaining existing facilities (eg crossings and ramps etc) or providing new means for cyclists, pedestrians and disabled users to cross the road
A38 Derby Junctions - Statutory Consultation - 7 September 2018 - 18 October 2018
A38 Derby Junction Improvements - non-statutory consultation - 2 January 2015 to 13 March 2015

Traffic information
Information about scheduled roadworks and events on our motorways and major roads.X
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