Roads Academy - National Highways

Achieving our vision of a connected country with safer, smoother and more reliable journeys for our customers, relies on successful outcomes from us and our supply chain partners.

Roads Academy is a joint initiative with the roads industry to develop current and future leaders and solve sectoral challenges.

New intake dates for Aspiring Leaders and Strategic Leaders programmes

The next intake for Aspiring Leaders is 23 September 2024 and Strategic Leaders is 25 September 2024. For future intake dates, please see below:

The world is changing fast and our customers’ expectations and needs around the environment, wellbeing and support for the local and wider economy are evolving and becoming more demanding. The future strategic roads network (SRN), and our approach to it, must also evolve to provide innovative solutions to emerging challenges, such as climate change and increasing the value we add to society, whilst continuing to deliver the basics safely and on target.

Our current and future leaders must have the confidence and capability to meet these ongoing challenges; aligning and developing their skill and knowledge sets to enhance their ability to achieve sector, business and personal aspirations. Roads Academy combines eLearning, in-person learning and collaboration opportunities to develop leaders who can further revitalise the SRN by working together to accelerate change, overcome the challenges of today, proactively address the challenges of tomorrow and exploit creativity and innovation.

What is Roads Academy and how does it work?

Roads Academy brings together leadership learning into a unique blended learning package for current and future leaders of the roads sector. We have engaged with a wide range of suppliers and stakeholders to shape the Roads Academy design. An Advisory Board consisting of suppliers and National Highways representative was established during the design stage to contribute to the strategic direction of Roads Academy.

Through this stakeholder engagement we have identified three key themes (gears) that form the basis for development through Roads Academy. These are:

Operational Excellence

Covering learning subjects such as:

  • Delivery: Project management, maximising productivity and setting goals
  • Operations: Budgeting, lean principles and IBIP
  • Teaming: Running successful teams and improving collaboration

Emotional Intelligence

Covering learning subjects such as:

  • Culture: Developing emotional intelligence and an inclusive workplace
  • Coaching: Becoming a great coach and mentor
  • Communication: Developing great listening, questioning and presentation skills

Future Capabilities

Covering learning subjects such as:

  • Change: Leading through change and building resilience
  • Creativity: Thinking outside the box and encouraging different perspectives
  • Strategy: Moving to a more strategic way of leading and actioning a vision

Graphic showing three key themes

Each gear contains two levels of learning, delivered through a combination of eLearning, in-person learning and collaboration opportunities. Roads Academy offers tailored learning paths, networking opportunities and optional academic accreditation. The learning packages are:

  • The Aspiring Leaders programme combines eLearning modules with in-person experiences in classrooms and value hubs. This package refreshes existing knowledge and builds a broad awareness of the latest leadership topics and thinking. Learners will also have the opportunity to apply their learning and experience and work with other learners to address challenges facing the sector.
  • The Strategic Leaders programme focuses on how learners can further enhance and apply their existing knowledge and experience to become confident change agents who support sectoral innovation and transformation. Learners will have access to eLearning, in-person classroom events and value hubs. The value hubs will tackle complex sectoral challenges and encourage learners to apply and develop their strategic leadership and change management skills.

Value hubs are at the heart of Roads Academy structure and provide leaders with an opportunity to apply their learning to sectoral challenges. Value hubs are in-person events that increase collaboration and innovation by bringing different groups of leaders together, to work on solutions and develop thought leadership. The value hubs are about helping us to deliver long-term value and address strategic challenges. Leaders can choose to apply their learning across a range of value hub topics, such as: Net zero carbon, social value and digital roads.

Value hubs are available in the Aspiring Leaders and Strategic Leaders packages. Leaders attending value hubs will:

  • Apply their learning and experience to a sectoral challenge
  • Collaborate and innovate with leaders from other organisations
  • Drive value for the sector by generating ideas and outputs that have a practical application

Two construction workers installing remote sensors

We're looking for Roads Academy to offer a pathway towards an academic accreditation that leaders will have the opportunity to pursue. More information will be available soon.

Roads Academy offers tangible benefits at Sector level, for Organisations and the Individual.


Roads Academy supports skills development across the whole supply-chain regardless of size, geography, or specialism. Equal access to Roads Academy is supported by a funding model and digital access ensuring wider engagement. Increased participation from across the supply-chain helps drive diversity of thought, supports the levelling-up agenda and the delivery of a safer and more efficient network. The opportunities it creates also make the sector more attractive to aspiring leaders and new talent.

The value hubs create opportunities to collaborate, share expertise, and solve challenges facing the whole sector. These hubs provide opportunities to accelerate key strategic objectives such as net zero carbon, digital roads, and environmental improvement, whilst mitigating sector-wide risks and challenges, through resilience, agility and future readiness.


Offering a leadership development programme with a pathway to accreditation will help your business to attract and retain talent. Skilled leadership delivers better organisational outcomes in terms of safety, quality, performance and productivity. Shared knowledge and experience acquired through Roads Academy will result in improved collaboration and a consistent, more efficient approach to leading practice.


Learners have access to the latest leadership practices and how to apply them in a way that is most relevant to their role. Participation in classroom-led learning and value hubs increases individual capability and impact, and improves levels of engagement and wellbeing. Through shared knowledge and experience, learning from both success and failure, individuals can substantially improve their career potential.

Two construction workers talking on site

Targeted at suppliers, Roads Academy brings together leadership learning into a unique blended learning package for current and future leaders of the roads sector.

Aspiring Leaders

Aspiring Leaders is aimed at up to mid-level managers, individuals in client/supplier-facing roles and/or individuals who have been identified as high potential in your organisation. These managers and leaders will be keen to further develop their leadership skills, collaborate with like-minded individuals and apply their learning and experience to sectoral challenges.

The Aspiring Leaders package costs £3,750 per learner per year, learners are expected to complete the programme within one year.

Strategic Leaders

Strategic Leaders is aimed at senior leaders looking to further develop and apply their strategic leadership and change management skills. These leaders will have the opportunity to apply their learning to complex sectoral challenges to support sectoral innovation and transformation.

The Strategic Leaders package costs £5,000 per learner per year, learners are expected to complete the programme within one year.

Applications for Roads Academy are open

To Apply for Roads Academy, complete this form.

Please note, the person completing the application form should be the main point of contact moving forward in your organisation’s application process. If this point of contact needs to change, please inform the support team and provide their name and contact information, including email address. Please also inform the support team of any additional requirements or reasonable adjustments required for your learners.

Transfers and deferrals

It's the responsibility of the applying organisation to ensure individuals they enrol in Roads Academy have the appropriate capability and capacity to participate fully and complete the required learning within 12 months.

Requests for the transfer or deferral/extension of an individual’s place will be accommodated where there are extenuating circumstances significantly impacting the learner’s ability or capacity to participate. Extenuating circumstances include:

  • maternity/paternity/shared-parental/adoption leave
  • long-term sickness
  • compassionate leave

Other requests for the transfer or deferral/extension will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All transfers, deferrals/extensions will incur an additional charge to cover administration costs.

Applications and fees

As a learner, is there a selection process and/or criteria required join?

Individual organisations may have their own selection process or criteria in order for individuals to be eligible to complete a Roads Academy programme. If you are a National Highways employee please speak to the Talent team for more information.

The Roads Academy curriculum has been designed to accommodate all levels of prior education - once your organisation has completed the application form, we will be in touch to begin the invoicing and gaining access process.

Can I use the Apprenticeship Levy to cover / subsidise the learner fees?

It is not currently possible for organisations to utilise the investment they have made through their apprenticeship levy contribution. We are currently exploring other funding options and will provide more information as soon as possible.

Who should I contact for more information?

For more information or to register your early interest, please contact:

Accessing Roads Academy as an organisation

What is Roads Academy?

Roads Academy is a joint initiative with National Highways suppliers to develop current and future leaders and solve sectoral challenges.
It is a leadership development academy that brings together leadership learning into a unique blended learning package for current and future leaders of the roads sector.

Who is Roads Academy for?

Roads Academy is for individuals who are currently working for organisations in the roads sector and have an interest in developing their leadership capability.

Aspiring Leaders is aimed at up to mid-level managers, individuals in client/supplier-facing roles and/or individuals who have been identified as high potential in your organisation. These managers and leaders will be keen to further develop their leadership skills, collaborate with like-minded individuals and apply their learning and experience to sector challenges.

Strategic Leaders is aimed at senior leaders looking to further develop and apply their strategic leadership and change management skills. These leaders will have the opportunity to apply their learning to complex sector challenges to support sectoral innovation and transformation.

How will Roads Academy benefit my organisation?

Offering a leadership development programme will help your business to attract and retain talent. Skilled leadership deliver better organisational outcomes in terms of safety, quality, performance and productivity. Shared knowledge and experience acquired through Roads Academy will result in improved collaboration and a consistent, more efficient approach to leading practice.

My organisation already provides learning to support development as a current or future leader, can Roads Academy complement what we already do?

Roads Academy is a flexible programme designed to be able to complement existing talent development offerings. Organisations can choose which package you would like your learners to access and progress to, depending on what best suits your organisation.

My organisation does not currently have a leadership development offering, will Roads Academy provide a comprehensive offering?

With 2 packages of learning across 3 gears, Roads Academy provides a comprehensive leadership development offering for organisations who are looking to provide this for the first time.

Is there a limit on the number of participants I can send from my organisation?

There is no cap to the number of learners an organisation can send to Roads Academy. Having more participants join Roads Academy will increase the impact it has on the roads sector; we encourage organisations to send as many learners as possible.

Accessing Roads Academy as a learner

As a learner, how will Roads Academy benefit me?

As a learner, you will have access to the latest leadership practices and how to apply them in a way that is most relevant to your role. Participation in classroom-led learning and value hubs increases individual capability and impact and improves levels of engagement and wellbeing. Through shared knowledge and experience, learning from both success and failure, you will have the opportunity to improve your impact and career potential.

What is the learning pathway? Do I have a choice on what topics I complete?

Each package requires a set number of learning hours to complete. However, learners can choose from a wide range of learning to reach the set number of hours. Learners can also choose to complete additional eLearning within the package(s) they have access to at no extra cost.

Is it possible to join Strategic Leaders without completing Aspiring Leaders?

Yes, it is possible. Each package is aimed at leaders with different levels of experience.

Aspiring Leaders is aimed at up to mid-level managers, individuals in client/supplier-facing roles and/or individuals who have been identified as high potential in their organisation. These managers and leaders will be keen to further develop their leadership skills, collaborate with like-minded individuals and apply their learning and experience to sector challenges.

Strategic Leaders is aimed at senior leaders looking to further develop and apply their strategic leadership and change management skills. These leaders will have the opportunity to apply their learning to complex sector challenges to support sectoral innovation and transformation.

Learning structure and curriculum

What are the topics covered in each gear in the curriculum? What are the learning outcomes?

The learning content is organised into 3 gears, which each have 3 competencies. The gears and their associated competencies are:

Gear 1: Operational Excellence

This Gear is looking to develop leader’s abilities in the following 3 competencies across 2 different packages. Covering learning subjects such as:

  • Delivery: Project management, maximising productivity and setting goals
  • Operations: Budgeting, lean principles and IBIP
  • Teaming: Running successful teams and improving collaboration

Gear 2: Emotional Intelligence

This Gear is looking to develop leader’s abilities in the following 3 competencies across 2 different packages. Covering learning subjects such as:

  • Culture: Developing emotional intelligence and an inclusive workplace
  • Coaching: Becoming a great coach and mentor
  • Communication: Developing great listening, questioning and presentation skills

Gear 3: Future Capabilities

This Gear is looking to develop leader’s abilities in the following 3 competencies across 2 different packages. Covering learning subjects such as:

  • Change: Leading through change and building resilience
  • Creativity: Thinking outside the box and encouraging different perspectives
  • Strategy: Moving to a more strategic way of leading and actioning a vision

What topics will the value hubs cover?

Value hub topics will cover strategic challenges that the roads sector is currently facing. Topics may include net zero carbon, social value and digital roads.

Does Roads Academy provide an accreditation?

We are looking for Roads Academy to offer a pathway towards an academic accreditation that leaders will have the opportunity to pursue. More information will be available soon.

Is it possible to do masterclasses and/or learning in addition to what is covered as part of Roads Academy?

We plan to offer additional classroom sessions and value hubs for learners at both packages. Currently masterclasses are not available, however this is something we may offer in the future.

What providers are delivering the learning?

eLearning content has been selected from a range of suppliers to meet the desired learning outcomes in each area of the curriculum. Current providers include: The Expert Academy, Harvard Manage Mentor, Skillsoft and Udemy. The in-person content has been developed by National Highways and our Roads Academy strategic delivery partner.

Accessibility of Roads Academy

Do learners have to have a certain amount of leadership experience or be at a certain level in their organisation?

No, Roads Academy is designed to accommodate leaders with different amounts of experience and seniority. The curriculum is structured to encourage all participants to complete a set amount of learning to provide a foundational level of learning and consistency prior to the in-person events where both Roads Academy learning and the individual’s experience are applied to sector topics and challenges.

How long will I have access to Roads Academy for?

Access to Roads Academy is on a yearly basis. The expected duration of Aspiring Leaders is 12 months, and the expected duration of Strategic Leaders is 12 months, however this timing is flexible, and learner driven.

How will I access the eLearning content?

All online learning content will be accessed through a singular online learning platform available 24/7.

Where are the in-person events located?

The location of in-person events changes on a case-by-case basis. Locations so far have included Birmingham, London and Manchester. Learners attending the event are given a full overview of the venue including travel options well ahead of the date to help them plan accordingly.

How can I flex the learning around my work commitments?

The inclusion of eLearning via an online learning platform is designed to provide flexible learning ‘on the go’. At both Aspiring Leaders and Strategic Leaders, learners will have a choice of in-person classroom learnings allowing you to choose the topic, location and date that suits you the most.

I have a disability or health condition, is this programme suitable for me?

Yes, the online learning is housed on a platform that meets accessibility requirements and venues for the in-person events will be selected only if they meet National Highways accessibility standards.

Information on the legacy Roads Academy programmes

Prior to the re-design of Roads Academy outlined on this page, Roads Academy was run by Coventry University and included four programmes: Step up to Leadership, Emerging Leaders, Senior Leaders, and MA Top-up.

As a result of the re-design, we will not be accepting applications to the legacy Roads Academy and no new intakes will be started for these programmes.

The re-design will have no impact on existing intakes participating in the programmes that are currently underway. These will continue as planned.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Coventry University contact.

Upcoming course dates

Intakes for our Strategic Leaders and Aspiring Leaders programmes are spread throughout the year. Below are start dates for both Aspiring Leader and Strategic Leader programmes:

The Aspiring Leaders programme dates are:

  • 23 September 2024
  • 24 February 2025

The Strategic Leaders programme dates are:

  • 25 September 2024
  • 26 February 2025

Places are limited, so please be sure to apply in good time to secure the start date you prefer. The programmes are designed to last a year, with a mixture of e-learning, face-to-face workshops and collaborative value hubs.

Limited places are available.

Please use the button below to access the Roads Academy sign up process. The form will allow you to register as a new Roads Academy applicant, or you can use it if you have previously registered.
