
BikerTek is dedicated to raising awareness and educating riders on how to ride more safely .

Bikes repair easier than bikers

Motorcyclists make up just 1% of traffic on UK roads. They account for 
19% of fatal and serious injuries.

Our message is simple: Bikes repair easier than bikers

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Our bike

We’ve crafted a one-of-a-kind custom motorcycle that pushes the boundaries of design and performance. Featuring unique, bespoke components – from levers engineered to mirror wrist fusion plates to a custom kickstand inspired by a C-Stem ATM hip system – this fully functional bike is more than just a machine, It’s a statement.

Join Us at Our Upcoming Events!

Stay tuned for exciting updates on our next events! Our expert riders will be there to share their passion for the thrill of biking and offer valuable safety tips. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a beginner, don’t miss the chance to connect with us at biker rallies, cafes, and more this summer!

For more details, explore our skills hub. and get ready to hit the road safely!

How to ride safely on the road

Our statistics show cornering, overtaking, speeding and fatigue are the four most common reasons for motorcycling collisions and serious injuries. So we’ve put together a few safe riding tips to keep you and your bike safely on the road.


Read the road ahead. Ride at a speed that leaves you enough time to react round a corner.

  • Get into the right position to see and be seen, as early as it’s safe to do so.
  • Get the speed right. Slow down if you need to by easing off the throttle and/or braking.
  • Use both brakes as it keeps the bike more stable. Select the correct gear for your speed. Look through the bend.
  • Keep an eye out for hazards such as nearside debris or emerging vehicles.
  • Then as you exit the corner, open up the right amount of acceleration to leave the bend safely.


Unless it’s 100% safe to overtake, and without speeding, don’t do it.

  • Be aware of the road markings – don’t cross solid white lines.
  • Look ahead and make sure you can pass with consideration for other road users.
  • Before overtaking, make sure you can get back to your side of the road in plenty of time, taking into account your speed, the speed of the vehicle you want to overtake and the speed of any oncoming vehicles.


Most collisions involve speeding. Manage your speed according to the road, weather conditions and traffic.

  • It’s easy to go over the speed limit when you’re riding. Keep an eye on your speed and ease off when you need to.
  • Remember, there’s always a reason for the speed limit. And it shows the maximum you should ride at.
  • Sometimes you need to go slower, taking into account things like the weather, congestion, the type of road and the angles of corners.

Take regular breaks to avoid riding tired

  • Motorcycling can be tiring. Not only physically tiring, but with the concentration needed to ride safe, mentally too.
  • Fatigue doesn’t just happen. It often starts with a lack of attention and feeling fidgety. This can then lead to long periods of poor concentration and poor decision making – all pretty dangerous when you’re riding at speed.
  • Just getting off the bike, stretching your legs or having a drink now and again helps regain concentration levels. It allows the blood to recirculate (which may have slowed during longer periods of riding) and gives you a chance to re-hydrate and prevents muscle fatigue.
To find out more about the importance of taking rest breaks, visit our TRIP campaign page.

Secrets of Better Riding

We've teamed up with MCN to produce a fifth series of Secrets of Better Riding. Follow the team of MCN’s experienced journalists and instructor gurus, Rapid Training, with a new series of Better Riding videos, covering such topics as reading the road, braking, overtaking and much more.
Watch all the series here.
