Unlock young minds

National Highways is inspiring young people to learn about the range of rewarding careers that connect people around the country. We need a diverse workforce to build the roads of the future and we’re using Minecraft to translate the work we do in classrooms.

In the games, students will learn about science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. They'll see what it takes to build and maintain a road. And they can learn about protecting and improving biodiversity, conserving heritage for future generations to enjoy, creating new technology to make our roads safer, and operating machines to build one of the world’s largest tunnels.   

The games offer a fun way for key stage 2 (ages 7-11) and key stage 3 (ages 11-14) to learn, and we have everything teachers will need including lesson plans and game guides. Teachers just need access to Minecraft Education Edition, which is commonly used in schools. There are also opportunities for our team to come out and run Minecraft workshops for students. 

Encouraging young engineers with Minecraft: workshops held at schools across the country

Here’s what you’ll get

  • 9 games with KS2 and KS3 lesson plans
  • 3 games with creative mode challenges
  • Lesson plans designed for 45-minute lessons
  • Creative mode designed for lunch and after school clubs
  • Getting started guides
  • Video walkthrough guide
Child playing minecraft
"It's nice to play at school … It's also educational and you're doing it with friends."
Schoolchildren with laptop playing Minecraft
"We have to find six different animal habitats and not destroy them. We have to take pictures and write notes. I've seen foxes and rabbits, bees, and some badgers."
Teacher and pupils using Minecraft
"We're looking at archaeology, engineering, and sustainability in the game. This has broadened their understanding of what goes into building a road."
Teacher and pupil using minecraft
"I've seen a huge difference in their conversational skills, the things that they're talking about. They're all engaged. Which, as we all know, doesn't happen with every single lesson."

Our games

Lower Thames Crossing - Tunnel digging

Students will learn about tunnelling and have the chance to excavate and build a portion of the new Lower Thames Crossing tunnel using a Minecraft model.

Lower Thames Crossing - Signs game

Students will be the controller behind keeping the new Lower Thames Crossing safe. Using MakeCode, they'll manage road signs responding to different scenarios, including severe weather conditions and wandering animals.

A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvements - Natural habitats game

Students will use a section of the Caxton Gibbet roundabout to create a new stretch of road while keeping animal habitats safe.

A303 Stonehenge - Through the ages

Students will complete tasks as they’re taken on a historical journey through different periods, with Stonehenge as the backdrop, including the Mesolithic era, Neolithic era, Bronze Age, Roman Britain, First World War, present-day and the future with potential improvements to the current road.

A303 Stonehenge - Biodiversity game

Using a Minecraft model of a green bridge, students will explore the biodiversity of the area by photographing the flora and fauna in the landscape.

A27 History game

Students will take a journey exploring various points in history, being guided through the past, visiting Roman Britain, the Medieval period and the Tudor period.

A27 Road Signs game

Students will build their coding skills using Microsoft’s MakeCode to change road signs depending on the scenario on the road.

A27 Biodiversity game

Students will be tasked with learning about and documenting several animal habitats, as well as gaining knowledge on green bridges and helping wildlife safely cross the road.

A27 Viaduct game

Students will build their coding skills using Microsoft’s MakeCode to continue a section of the proposed viaduct and learn about the different roles involved within an engineering project.

Creative mode

Students will use each of the proposed schemes as a backdrop during lunchtime or after school clubs, where they’ll have all the time they need to build and design as they respond to set challenges.

Check out the games, guides and lesson plans today - access Minecraft STEM learning

STEM careers explored in the game

  • Electrician
  • Welder
  • Ecologist
  • Engineer
  • Tunnel machine operator
  • Designer
  • Archaeologist
  • and more