Working with us

For us, innovation is the application of a new process or product that benefits our customers and stakeholders.
We will use new knowledge to test ideas, solutions and technology, and develop them into better ways of delivering our key outcomes and solving problems.
Our innovation journey
This animation shows the journey you’ll follow if you work with us, from getting in touch with an idea or entering one of our competitions, to rolling out a new innovation on our network.
If you're a project manager considering an innovation (whether a service, system or product) for use on our network, our new Pilots and Trials guidance will help you.
Funding innovation
Throughout our second Road Period (RP2) from 2020 to 2025, we have Designated Funds for improvements that are beyond our 'business as usual'.
There is a Designated Fund for innovation and modernisation.
We use this fund to explore new ways to improve safety and journeys, connect the country and drive the economy.
The fund has five themes which are revolutionising travel and work on our roads:
Design, construction and maintenance
Finding innovative and more effective ways to design, build and maintain our roads.
Connected and autonomous vehicles
Supporting the move to semi-autonomous and autonomous vehicles, while putting users’ safety at the forefront of emerging technologies.
Customer mobility
Providing seamless and sustainable journeys for our customers through reliable, information-rich highways.
Energy and environment
Saving energy, reducing our environmental impact and delivering value for money through sustainable road enhancements and renewals.
Unlocking capacity on our roads and making them safer for the people who use and work on them.