Pre-2009 research publications archive
- 3/359 Editing Anglo French Publication on Bridge Management TR
- 3/372 Whole life CostBenefit Analysis for Median Safety Barriers
- A Practical Laboratory Tool For Pavement Foundation Design
- A radical new approach to pavement design
- ABP treated salt spread rate research
- ABP Treated Salt Trial
- Accessibility
- Accident cluster Analysis optimisation
- Accumulation and Dispersal of Suspended Solids in Watercourses
- Acetylene gas, its use and transportation — Phase 2
- Achieving best value through pavement maintenance monitoring
- Achieving Environmental benefits
- Acoustic Emission For Hinge Decks
- Acoustic Performance of Surface Treatments
- Active Traffic Management Monitoring
- Advanced Reliability Assessment Of Highway Structures
- Advice Note on HalfJoint Bridge Decks
- Alien species and Noxious weed Control
- Alternative precautionary spreading methods for slip roads
- Amendments required to update draft BA 55
- Analysis of casualty data against targets
- Analysis of overrepresentation of highrisk age groups in road Traffic incidents
- Application and Assessment of emerging enforcement technologies
- Application Of A Route Assignment Model To A Motorway Box
- Assessing defect acceptability of FRP materials
- Assessment of a NOxer Environmental Barrier
- Assessment Of Wireless Lan Technology In The Roadside Environment
- ATM incident detection — Performance review
- ATM Monitoring Trials — Stage 1
- ATM Monitoring Trials — Stage 2
- Atm Od Matrix Estimation
- Auto Ind Collaboration
- Best practice for recycling
- Best practice In Enhancement Of Highway Design For Bats.
- Better Estimates Of Service Lives Of Thin Surfacing Systems
- Binder Fracture Test
- Bridge deck waterproofing systems: The effect of membrane stiffness on the strains induced in surfaces
- Bridge Deck Waterproofing: NonU4 Concrete Surfaces
- Bridge Infrastructure
- Cable testing
- Carbon Management
- CEDR Comparative Survey of Maintenance/Operational Costs
- Chalk hydrogeology and flood protection.
- CIRIA NDT Report
- Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the HA
- Close following vehicle accidents — phase two
- CloseFollowing Vehicle Accident Study
- Collection and Analysis of Sediments from High Speed Roads for Trace Element Fingerprinting
- Commercial Vehicles — Loading Factors & Incidents
- Competence of Pavement Assessment Techniques — Phase 4 (COPAT4)
- Competence of Pavement Assessment Techniques 3 (COPAT 3)
- Composite Surface Water & Linear Drainage Channel System
- Concrete Barrier Assessment
- Concrete Bridges — Surface Finishes
- Conflict Study — Applications in HA road safety management
- Congestion Plans: Hardshoulder Detectors
- Consolidation of Whole Life Value of Highway Surfacing
- Contaminated Land Implications of the Environment
- Continued Specimen Monitoring
- Contribution to OECD Project on Long Life Pavements — phase 2
- CoOrdination of Ramp Metering
- Corba interfaces/CCTV research
- Cost 345: Procedures for the Assessment of Highway Structures
- Cost Effective Maintenance Decisions With The FWD
- Crevice Corrosion Investigation
- Critical review of materialsrelated technologies for the improved protection of cable supported bridges
- Cross channel information services — follow on
- Deer Population Monitoring & Road Casualty Recording
- Definitive Vehicle Wear Evaluation
- Delays and Diversions at Longer Term Roadworks on Busy Motorways
- Delivering the governments framework for sustainability targets in the HA office
- Delivering UKBAP Ministerial Targets For Otters
- Design and strengthening of bridges for vehicle impact
- Design guidance on road studs
- Design of chevron road marking areas at motorway junctions
- Developing high speed deflection (HSD)
- Developing Safenet For Rural Roads
- Development & Support For Tactical MOLA
- Development & Trial Of Incident Screens On Motorways
- Development of a carbon accounting framework and methodology for Highways Agency Construction, Maintenance, and Operational activities
- Development of a decision tool for investigating strategies for the deployment of renewable energy
- Development of a Hard Shoulder Monitoring System
- Development of a Trafficspeed
- Development of an HA speed limit strategy
- Development of an ultra lownoise surface
- Development of Bonded Bituminous Layers
- Development of Control Strategy for Advanced Traffic Management (ATM)
- Development of GIS DMRB Air Quality Screening Method
- Development of HA Traffic Information Strategy
- Development of Instantaneous Emissions Module
- Development of international data transfer format: HA geotechnical & geoenvironmental asset
- Development of Obscuration Model for Motorway Signs and Signals
- Development of Performance Specification for Earthworks — Phase 2
- Development of Performance Specifications for Earthworks — Phase 1
- Development of Route Assignment Model (MCONTRM) For ATM
- Digital TV Travel Information
- Displaced Right Turn Signal Junctions
- DMRB Volume 11 Ecology & Nature Conservation Update
- Drainage and Pore Water Pressures in Soil Slopes
- Drainage of earthworks slopes
- Driver reaction to ATM
- Driver Workload modelling
- Durability of Concrete Pavements Surfaced With Thin Asphalt
- Durability of Quieter Surfacings
- Durable Composite Inlays For HGV Lanes
- Dynamic road marking — evaluation
- Dynamic Road Markings — Feasibility Study
- Dynamic/Energy to FRP strengthening of bridge supports
- Early Application of waterproofing
- Early Life Behaviour of Road Foundations
- Early Life Skid Resistance
- eCall implications for the Highways Agency
- Ecodyn Evaluation
- Effect of Introducing CEN Test Methods
- Effect of Predicted Climate Change on Winter Service Operations
- Effective post-incident recovery In Highway Tunnels
- Effectiveness Of Surfacing Materials Overlaying RCP
- Effectiveness of Washing Bridges
- Effects of Heavier Vehicles on Road Wear
- Effects of Soluble Pollutants on Ecology of Receiving Waters
- Electronic Standards for Transportation Data (Geotechnics)
- Element and System Risk Considerations in Bridge Management
- Enhanced Surface Condition Monitoring for the road User and Owner (ESCOM)
- Enhancement of Micro Management Model SISTM For ATM
- Enhancement of SISTM Traffic Model for ATM & NASS
- Enhancement of white lines for concrete roads
- Enhancement to the 3D Visualisation of SISTM
- Enhancements to HA WLC model
- ERA Net Fast Track Pilot
- ERANET maintenance backlog — Estimation and Use
- Euro VMS Platform Support
- European Highways costs
- European Long Life Pavement Group ELLPAG — Phase 2 & 3
- European Road Worker Safety Collaboration Initiative
- European Skid Resistance Index and Skid Resistance Standards
- European standards wind loading on Traffic signs
- Evaluating the Congestion Caused by Abnormal Loads
- Evaluation of low cost CCTV trials for network monitoring
- Evaluation of mobile hydraulic gantry
- Evaluation of new laboratory procedures for assessing polishing and skid resistance properties of aggregates in the UK
- Evaluation of Solar Powered Intelligent Road Studs
- Evaluation of young driver Information Programme
- Expansion Joints For Integral Bridges
- Exploitation of Traffic Control Centre (TCC) Data
- Fate of contaminants in the unsaturated zone — stage 2
- Fate of Highways Contaminants in Unsaturated Zone — Phase 1
- Feasibility of Recycling Thin Surfacings
- Feedback on superior asphalts
- Fibre Optic Detection Pilot (now funded from Technology Pilots; FOND 2)
- Fire Detection And Suppression In Road Tunnels
- Fire Protection Of Tunnel Assets
- Flexible Composite Design Development (2)
- Footbridge Dynamic Response Properties
- Foresight Vehicle — PROBEIT
- FORMAT Cycle track, footway and maintenance research
- Fragmentation Effects On Water Vole Populations
- Framework for Product Approval
- Friction Performance of Thin Surfacings
- FRP Bridge Decks
- Further Work on DMRB Air Quality Screening Method
- Future ITS & Technology Application Support
- Future overcarriageway technology
- Future Vision for Road Construction
- Gamma Ray Tomography for reinforced concrete
- Geotechnical Research Framework
- Grassed Surface Water Channel With Waterproof Lining
- Ground motion monitoring using satellite interferometry
- HA Foresighting Project
- Hardshoulder Detection System
- HD41.03 Methodology for determination of earthworks at risk
- High Conspicuity Garments for Road Workers
- Highways Agency Vision 2030
- Historic Landscape Value and Impact Assessment
- Human Factors Investigation
- Human tolerance to vibration on footbridges
- Identification of Network Locations and Areas affected by High Winds
- Impact Of Reduced Emissions Upon Air Quality (2001–2004)
- Impact of revised HSE standards on tunnels
- Impact of Roads on Kestrels, Red Kite and Buzzards
- Impact of Roads on Reptiles
- Impact of Sustainability Issues on Asphalt Pavements
- Implementation of the Climate Change Adaption Strategy
- Implementing asphalt durability tests (SATS & heavy duty WT)
- Implications of draft EU legislation on road tunnel safety
- Improved accident data availability
- Improved Design of Overlay Treatments
- Improved Determination Of Pollutants In Highway Runoff — Phase 2
- Improved Risk Assessment for Surface Condition
- Improving Safety At Overhead Powerlines
- Improving The Structural Assessment Of Rigid Pavements (FWD)
- Incident Related Congestion
- Incorporation of EU concrete pavement standards into the SHW
- Indepth study of motorway junction accidents
- Influencing freight movements (freight scheduler)
- Information for motorists on transit times through long term roadworks
- Infrared Detection of delaminated concrete
- Infrastructure Cuttings — Condition Appraisal and Remedial Treatment
- Innovations for Road tunnels
- Innovative Delivery Of Digital CCTV Images
- Innovative European Traffic Management Techniques
- Installation and verification of hightech remote monitoring
- Instantaneous Vehicle Emission Monitoring
- Instrumentation of Hard Shoulders
- Integral Bridges: better Performance using novel wall/soil interface systems
- Integrated Traffic Management
- Integrated Traffic Management — M1 J40 SCOOT
- Integrated Traffic Management — M5 J1 MOVA
- Integrated Whole Life Cost Model for Maintenance
- Integration of Whole Life Costing of Road Features
- Intelligent Motorway Lighting
- Intelligent Routing and Diversion Strategies
- Intelligent surfacelevel signing
- Introduction of Herbaceous Plants to Roadside Woodlands
- Investigate scope for improving accuracy of vehicle operating cost calculations
- Investigating the relationship between Traffic growth, Network Performance and safety
- Investigation into aluminium metal spray coatings
- Investigation of effects of PFA in minimising Sulfate swelling in limestabilised clays
- Investigation of Emergency Closures of the Network
- Investigation of EuroRAP road protection score on HA roads
- Investigation of narrow lanes on motorways
- Investigation of Orthotropic Bridge Decks
- Investigation of Soakaways above sensitive ground waters
- Investigation of standard description languages
- ITS in Europe — identification of SNCDI
- Landscape Assessment
- Landscape Management Handbook
- Lane Changing Algorithm
- Laser Scanning For Police Accident Investigations
- LayBys Review
- LIDAR — vegetation penetration and surface absorbency
- LifeCycle Safety planning for Roads
- Lightweight Gantries for Active Management of Routes
- Lightweight Gantry and MS4 Risk Methodology
- Linear Quarry Phase 2 (also known as SMART)
- Location referencing — methodology for Data exchange
- Long Life surfacings
- Long term behaviour of deep mixing of soft organic soils
- Long Term Monitoring of Pavement Performance
- Long Term Safety & Effectiveness Study — Safety Messages On VMS
- Longitudinal Fibre Optic Detection — Feasibility Study
- Loss of retroreflectivity (dew formation on signs) Stage 1
- Low River flows Q95
- Lowcost, innovative engineering measures to reduce fatiguerelated accidents
- M42 ATM Pilot Monitoring 2
- M6 Ramp Metering Renewal — Assessment Of Benefits
- Maintenance of Footways and Cycleways
- Managed Motorways In Vehicle Data Requirements Research
- Management in for footways, cycle tracks & other offcarriageway features
- Management of C&U and STGO AILs Review
- Mapping the HA supply chain
- Materials For Pavement (Promoting Sustainable Growth)
- MATT/ California Development
- Measurement Of Microtexture At Traffic Speed To Predict Skid Resistance
- Membership of NSSRG
- Membership of the National Salt Spreading Research Group
- MESA Communications for Emergency Services
- MESA Phase II and III
- Meteorological data — requirements for RCCs and automatic sign setting
- Mitigation Plans for RedX noncompliance
- Monitor Performance of French Drains with Recycled Shredded Tyre Topping
- Monitoring European ITS activities
- Monitoring of HOV lanes
- Monitoring of new surfacings using 6mm aggregate
- Monitoring of sediment loads
- Monitoring Pollution From Highways
- Monitoring Tactical Control Systems Used On The Network
- Mossband Viaduct HalfJoint Investigation
- Motorway Signalling Triple Package Benefits Update
- Movement of Abnormal Loads at Night
- NASS Burnin
- National Telematics Test Site
- Natural Weathering paint trials HA
- Near Surface Mounted FRP For Bridge Strengthening
- Network Maint & JTR
- Network Occ Man plans (events management)
- Network Performance Prediction
- New Deicers for Midland Links
- New Designs for Sustainable Long Life Roads
- New Materials for Sustainable Long Life Roads
- New Road Restraint System Standard TICE
- Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Transects
- NO2 monitoring in AQMAs (2006–2008)
- Noise Barrier Costs for Solar Energy Trial
- NonDestructive Methods For Determining CrackDepth
- Numerical Techniques and appropriate factors of safety
- OnLine MTV
- OnRoad Trialling of Detectors
- OnThe Spot Accident Data Collection — Phase 2
- OnTheSpot Accident Data Collection
- Operator support for low cost
- Optimal Realtime coordinated management of congestion
- Optimising the Returns from Long Life Roads
- Optimum maintenance strategies for structures
- Origin and Destination Matrix Initiative
- Pavement Whole Life Costing for New Roads
- Performance of Impregnants
- Performance of quiet noise surfaces over time
- Performance of vehicle restraint systems by vehicle type
- Phase 3: Mount Pleasant Flyover — Stress Absorbing Layers.
- Pollutant removal capacity of grassed surface channels — Phase 1
- Post scheme AQ Assessment of M42 ATM at 60mph
- Prefabricated pavements and other innovations for rapid and Improved construction and maintenance
- PreTrip Journey Time Variability Information For Road Users
- Preventative Maintenance Strategies for Different Bridge Groups Analysis
- Prewetted salt dosage advice
- Primary Safety For Tunnel Users
- Prioritising ways to reduce the impact of maintenance on journey times
- Priority Culverts
- Probability Of Effective Maintenance Measures
- Project Team for Professor Johnson
- Provision of R & D Facilities and Advice on the Design and Management of Highway Structures
- Ramp Metering (30 Sites)
- Rapid Assessment Techniques For Soil And Earthworks
- Rational pavement rehabilitation
- Real time video links from accident or event
- Recovery of Solar Thermal
- Reduced use of high psv aggregate in thin surfacing
- reducing skid acc risk new asp
- Reducing Tree Related Accidents
- Refinement of ramp metering algorithms
- Remediation and Prevention of Slope Desiccation using FibreReinforced Soil
- Research existing and next generation radio broadcast technology
- Research into Internet radio broadcast tech
- Research to Develop New Species and Habitats Advice in DMRB
- Residual DeIcing salt levels
- Retention Of Concrete Specimens
- Review and revision of Highway link design standard (TD9/93)
- Review of Assessment rules for concrete bridges (update BD44 to meet operational requirements)
- Review of Barn Owl Advice
- Review of BD29/87 Design Criteria for Footbridges
- Review of cultural Heritage Input into Environmental Impact Assessment
- Review of Flooding Incidents on the Network
- Review of residual salt level detection methods
- Review of Structure Suitability to Bats
- Review of the Use of Horizontal Drainage
- Revision of Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual
- Revision of CRTN
- Revision to DMRB air quality screening method for use in GIS
- Revision to Pavement Design Standard
- Rewrite of The Value For Money Manual
- Risk Analysis methods for tunnels
- RoadOverRoad Risk Assessment Tool
- Roadside weigh testing of very heavy vehicles carrying abnormal and indivisible loads
- Robust Project Road Barrier Upgrade of Standards TR
- Safety Camera Technologies at Roadworks
- Safety of major interchanges
- Safety of priority junctions and accesses (review of TD42 and TD41)
- Safety on Hardshoulder
- Safety Strategy III Data Provision & Accident Analysis
- Salt Dosage & Road Response
- Salt Grading & Liquid Treatment
- Salt Spread Rates for Thin Surfacings
- Salt, NP & TG study
- Scoping Study (delivery & methodology options)
- Scoping study on the potential for instantaneous vehicle emissions
- Shear Strength of Limestone Aggregate Concrete
- Skid resistance resulting from deicing
- Slope monitoring using fibre optic technology
- SNCDI Research — Location Coding Task
- Special Order Bridge Loading Model
- Specialist Civil Engineering Advice On Special Structures
- Specification for Bridge Surfacings
- Standardisation Of Assessment Methods 2
- Statistical Study of Accidents at Roadworks
- Steel fibrereinforced concrete
- Strategic Traffic Management
- Strategy to Reduce Litter on the Network
- Structural Integrity Monitoring Network SIMoNET
- Study of Residence Times in Ponds and Wetland Systems — Phase 1
- Study of Safety at Term Maintenance Sites
- Study Of ShuntType Accidents
- Study of Traffic Accidents Involving Goods Vehicles
- Study to Raise Speed Limit of Vehicles Carrying Special Order Abnormal Load
- Sumpless Gullies as a Low Maintenance Option
- Support for CEN 227/WG4
- Support for CIRIA 1786: Embedded Retaining Walls — Guidance for more Economic Design
- Support for COST 347 2004–2005
- Support to 2006–2001 TRACS contract
- Support to Managed Motorway Project
- Survey of Impregnated Bridges
- Sustainability of structural and geotechnical assets — embodied energy
- Sustainable Geotechnics
- Technical assistance for COST 351 WATMOVE
- Temperature effects on integral bridge design
- Temporary Barrier Safety Evaluation
- Temporary Traffic management gantry signalling for wider motorways
- The Durability and Performance of Deck Hinges
- The effect of climate change on earthworks slopes
- The effectiveness of substandard shear reinforcement
- The Grade Separation of Pedestrians and Cyclists from Motor Traffic
- The Impact of Abnormal Load Movements on the PSA Target
- The impact of roadside advertising on the travelling public
- To understand and improve the effectiveness of Travel Plans and their monitoring and enforcement.
- TOS Communication & Info (data capture & provision)
- Townscape Assessment
- Traffic Data Management Framework
- Traffic Impact of Large Residential Development
- Traffic manager — understanding of actual/desired working practices & behaviour
- Traffic Radio Market Watch
- Traffic Status Forecasting
- Trafficking of hardened shoulders and safe havens
- Travel Information Highway (TIH) Development and Promotion
- Travel Information Services
- Travel Of Errant Vehicles After Leaving The Carriageway
- Travel Plans
- Treatment of transverse cracks in flexible composite pavements
- Trial of the Instantaneous Emissions Module
- Trial Use of Recycled Aggregates in Structural Concrete
- Trials of Renewable Energy Generation in Highway Situations
- TRL NASS Support
- Truck Stop Guide
- TSS Outward Facing Research — Managing Integration
- TSS Outward Facing Research — Managing Travel Demand
- Tunnel dispersion monitoring
- Tunnel Emergencies:Emergency Evacuation
- Tunnel unit costs
- Twowheeled motor vehicle (TWMVs) Accidents
- Uncertainty of estimation of material qualities
- Understanding why objects are thrown at Traffic
- Unified Foundation Design Linked to Pavement Design Methods
- Update Of DMRB Vol.11.3.10: Water Quality And Drainage
- Update of DMRB Volume 11: Cultural Heritage Advice
- Update of RR 199 (earthworks)
- Updating of Hourly Capacities For Highway Links
- Upgrade of Noise Assessment
- Use of horizontal bored drains– Wattstown Roundabout Cutting Report & Albion Lower Tip Report
- Use of piles to stabilise embankment and cutting slopes
- Use of refuge/Traffic islands within ghost island junctions
- Use of retroreflective materials for permanent signs
- Use of Routine Data to Assess Pavement Foundation Performance
- Use of Scrap Rubber Tyres in Asphalt Pavements
- Use of soil additives on enhancing Performance of structural Applications
- User Costs At Roadworks Sites
- Validation of Highway Runoff
- Validation of microsimulation models.
- Validation Of PrEN 1793–5 (Timber Barriers)
- VALMON 3: Package 1 (Tasks 1,2&4)
- VALMON 3: Package 2 (Task 3)
- Value of Driver Information
- Variable speed (VSL) for Road Works
- Vegetation on reinforced Earth Slopes
- Vehicle Tyre/Road Surface
- Vehicle: Road: Tyre Interaction and road safety (VERTEC)
- Ventilation During Road Tunnel Emergencies
- Video distribution support & policy information
- Video Image Processing Exploitation Of Distributed Digital Video
- VIH Continued Policy Support
- VMS Policy Development: Graphical Congestion Display
- VMS Policy Support (National)
- Water quality validation of a proposed new Assessment tool
- Willow Poles for Slope Stability
- WIM Systems And Braking Forces For Abnormal Loads
- Winter service treatment for negatively textured surfacing
- Winter Treatment Decision Making