Immersion Lab

Future thinking

We're providing the opportunity for partners to immerse themselves in the experience of road users and communities who are impacted by the Strategic Road Network.

Through immersion in stimulated environments, we can bring partners together to empathise, visualise and ideate. Whether you want to bring an idea to life, test a prototype solution, or imagine a future technology, we can bring experience to life.

Immersion: customer

Facilitate the experience of driving in our customers’ shoes on the Strategic Road Network.

Industry events

Discover which industry events we're attending or presenting at and opportunities to connect.

Immersion: employee

Open the door to experiencing how our partners provide services and products to road users.

  • Report

Accessible Highways event

Google Accessibility Centre, London

22 May 2024

Accessible Highways was hosted at the Google Accessibility Discovery Centre in London. We launched the Navigating Neurodiversity report as a stimulus for conversation around how we can work as a mobility ecosystem to meet the needs of neurodiverse drivers, particularly those with dyslexia and autism. We confirmed our collective commitment and next steps to making roads accessible for all.

Contact us

To find out more about Digital Lab, please contact us via email:
