Data Lab

Data drives

We’re opening up our data for all, through five new data services.

These data services are available as application processing interfaces (APIs), and share data on road and lane closures, digital variable message signs, road limits and features, diversion routes and speed managed areas. Whether you’re a developer, engineer or an innovator seeking to shape the future of digital navigation, our APIs are designed to seamlessly integrate with your products.

Our data services


Road and lane closures

Enhanced closure visibility, more accurate journey time prediction.

“My apps automatically know what roads are closed and redirect me”​

Coming in 2024

Digital variable message signs

Providing safe, consistent messaging through digital signage.

“I know what dangers and obstructions are ahead and feel prepared”

Coming in 2024

Diversion routes

Optimising appropriate diversion routes for all road users.

“When the roads are closed, I know which alternative route to take and if it’s right for me”

Coming in 2024

Road limits and features

Enabling the selection of suitable routes for all vehicle types.

“I know what dangers and obstructions are ahead and feel prepared”

Coming in 2024

Speed managed areas

Sharing temporary speed restrictions to improve journey planning.

“My apps and car always say the right speed. I feel in control”

Access our data services

This is the place where technology meets collaboration and where developers from all walks of life come together to explore, share ideas and learn.

digital lab;

Contact us

To find out more about Digital Lab, please contact us via email:
