A19 Downhill Lane junction improvement
Downhill Lane improvement will provide extra capacity on the junction between the A19 and the A1290 in Sunderland, supporting the regional economy and plans for the development of International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP).
Latest updates
16 March 2022
Ceremony celebrates scheme officially opening to traffic
The Downhill Lane £51.6 million upgrade of the A19 near Sunderland is the latest National Highways improvement to open to traffic in the North East.
Today the official opening was marked with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
Minister for Roads Baroness Vere of Norbiton said:
“I’m delighted to see this multi-million pound scheme open for traffic. Our funding will provide a fantastic boost for the North East’s economy, make it easier for millions of people in the region to get around, and is a great example of how this Government is levelling up the country by enabling better access to opportunities and employment."
The A19 project has seen the construction of a full roundabout at the junction and improvements made to the existing A19. New traffic signals have been installed at the junction, a new road bridge has been installed and a bridge provided for walkers, cyclists and horse riders.
National Highways has also improved the adjoining rights of way helping to support and encourage non-polluting and healthier travel options.
The improved access off the A19 encourages drivers to stay on the strategic road, more suited to moving larger volumes of traffic, and off the local highway network, improving the environment for those that live and work in the area.
More than half a million people hours were worked on the A19 Downhill Lane project, with 60 per cent of the workforce made up from locally based staff.
Some £3 million of savings were achieved by delivering the project at the same time as the work on A19 Testo’s Junction, and £150,000 was saved reusing materials such as the stone from the site access roads at Testo’s.
In addition, 100,000 tonnes of earth were re-used from the £75m A19 / A1058 Coast Road scheme delivered in 2019, while 44,000 cubic metres of material were re-used at Washington Road.
The new steel bridge for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians weighs 550-tonnnes.
Just under 600 steel columns were installed as part of the foundations for the new road bridge, which is 37 metres long and 14.5 metres wide.
17 September 2020
We’ve started work
We started work on our A19 Downhill Lane junction improvement scheme on 14 September 2020.
This scheme forms part of a wider strategy to upgrade the A19 and A1 in the north east, and will support the government’s Northern Powerhouse agenda – helping create a transport system that’s an engine for economic growth.
We have designed this improvement to deliver benefits for road users, local communities and to support the region’s economy. On completion it will help with economic growth, connectivity with the local road network, improve safety and reduce congestion.
As work progresses, you will notice more activity on the areas around Downhill Lane, Washington Road and the A1290. Our team will also be amending the traffic management that is currently in place on the A19.
Over the next few weeks you’ll see our workers start installing safety barriers, clearing vegetation and build new fencing. We will also be removing some of the existing signs, street lighting and installing temporary traffic management.
All our sites have strict safeguarding measures, in line with Public Health England guidance, to prevent the spread of COVID19 and none of our sites are open to the public.
You can see further information on our Twitter feed @HighwaysNEAST with the hashtag #A19DownhillLane.
12 August 2020
Development Consent Order (DCO) granted
A new bridge will be constructed to the south of the existing bridge over the A19, creating a more traditional roundabout layout above the A19.
New link roads will also be created between Downhill Lane junction and the new Testo's junction improvement currently being constructed less than a mile to the north of the Downhill Lane site.
Together these schemes will support economic growth in the region, improve journey times and provide new facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.
The Development Consent Order - the planning legislation giving consent for a project to go ahead - has now been granted.
06 January 2020
Development Consent Order (DCO) examination period
On 20 December 2019 the Examining Authority responsible for deciding on the Development Consent Order (DCO) made a request for further information and changes to the timetable for the A19 Downhill Lane Junction Improvement Examination.
The DCO is in the examination period, meaning that the Planning Inspectorate has up to six months to carry out the examination. During this stage interested parties who have registered by making a relevant representation are invited to provide more details of their views in writing. Careful consideration is given by the Examining Authority to all the important and relevant matters including the representations of all interested parties, any supporting evidence submitted and answers provided to the Examining Authority’s questions set out in writing or posed at hearings.
The DCO process is continuing with responses to the additional questions due by 7 January 2020. Interested parties will have been contacted direct and invited to respond by 14 January 2020.
Project information
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The improvement scheme is designed to support plans to extend the IAMP development which is a joint venture between Sunderland and South Tyneside Councils. It will be located across the Councils’ boundaries north of the Nissan car plant, alongside the A19 to the west of Downhill Lane junction. The two local authorities have a shared ambition to develop a high quality strategic employment site for advanced manufacturing that will attract national and international business investment and facilitate job creation.
The IAMP is predicted to create up to 7850 new jobs and attract £295 million investment by 2026/27. The junction at Downhill Lane will provide access to the strategic road network from the IAMP.
The preferred route for Downhill Lane is the construction of a new bridge to the south of the existing (A1290) bridge across the A19. Together with the existing bridge this would form a more traditional roundabout junction layout above the A19. The existing north-bound and south-bound A19 slip roads would be realigned to tie in with the new elevated roundabout. To the north of the junction, these would serve as link roads between Downhill Lane junction and the proposed new Testo's junction roundabout. The slip roads south of the junction would provide direct access to and from the A19.
The scheme would provide improved connectivity with the local road network. Facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders would be enhanced by providing a separate non-motorised user bridge over the A19 and Washington Road.
The objectives of this scheme are to:
- support economic growth
- provide a safe and serviceable road network
- provide a more free-flowing road network
- improve the environment
- provide an accessible and integrated road network
2018 - Additional consultation
Section 42 Notice - Change to consultation
Poster and Plan - Pedestrian, Cyclist and Horse Rider Route change
A19 Downhill Lane Junction route plans
Non-statutory consultation letter
A19 Downhill Lane junction statutory consultation - 11 September 2017 to 22 October 2017
Development Consent Order Requirements Register
A19 Downhill Lane - Requirements Register
A19 Downhill Discharge of Requirements - joint STC SCC response
A19 Downhill Lane - Construction Environmental Management Plan
A19 Downhill Lane - Drainage Strategy Report
A19 Downhill Lane - Engineering Drawings & Sections
A19 Downhill Lane - Landscape and Ecology Detailed Design (Plan 1 of 2)
A19 Downhill Lane - Landscape and Ecology Detailed Design (Plan 2 of 2)
A19 Downhill Lane - Pre-construction Ecology Survey Report
A19 Downhill Lane - DoR - Traffic Management Plan
A19 Downhill Lane - SoCG with Natural England
Natural England Response A19 Downhill Lane Pre-construction Design Report
Natural England Response A19 Downhill Lane Discharge of Requirements
DoR email to NE A19 Downhill Lane Junction
DoR email to LA A19 Downhill Lane Junction
DoR8 approval email from Sunderland City Council and South
DoR8 email to Secretary of State
DoR8 approval email from Secretary of State