Third party scheme - M5 junction 10 improvements (Gloucestershire County Council)
With National Highways’ support, Gloucestershire County Council making a number of improvements on roads west of Cheltenham. These include a proposal to upgrade M5 Junction 10.
Latest updates
13 January 2025
Development Consent Order enters 'Recommendation period'
The examination into Gloucestershire County Council’s proposals for the M5 junction 10 closed on 4 December 2024.You can view Gloucestershire County Council’s full application and submissions made during the examination on the Planning Inspectorate’s scheme website.
Next steps
The Examining Authority has three months to submit a report with a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport.
The Secretary of State for Transport with then have a further three months to determine if the project will be given development consent.You can find out more information about this process and how to get involved on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
12 July 2024
Examination process begins
The examination step of the Development Consent Order (DCO) process began on 4 June 2024 and lasts for six months. The application made by Gloucestershire County Council will be examined by the Planning Inspectorate through written representation and public hearings.
They will then review all the evidence and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport, who has the final decision on whether the scheme should go ahead.
As statutory consultee, National Highways will play a full part in the Development Consent Order planning process, as per requirements set out by the Planning Inspectorate.
You can view Gloucestershire County Council’s full application on the Planning Inspectorate’s scheme website.
You can find out more information about the DCO process and how to get involved on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
17 January 2024
Development Consent Order application accepted at examination
We are pleased to confirm that Gloucestershire County Council’s proposals for the M5 junction 10 have been accepted by the Planning Inspectorate for formal examination.
You can now view Gloucestershire County Council’s full application on the Planning Inspectorate’s scheme website.
Next steps
The Planning Inspectorate will now examine the Development Consent Order (DCO) application through written representation and public hearings. They will then review all the evidence and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport, who has the final decision on whether the scheme should go ahead.
As statutory consultee, National Highways will play a full part in the Development Consent Order planning process, as per requirements set out by the Planning Inspectorate.
The examination and decision-making process will take over a year. You can find out more information about this process and how to get involved on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
12 January 2023
Next steps for the scheme
The full Statutory Consultation Report for the proposed scheme has been published, and is available to read on Gloucestershire County Council's website. The report includes details of the changes made to the design proposals, based on feedback received during the consultation.
National Highways will continue to work closely with Gloucestershire County Council so that the construction of this much-needed improvements scheme works for all road users. It is currently anticipated that, subject to planning consent, work on the improvements will start in 2024 and be completed in late 2025.
All updates, including progress of the scheme, will be provided on the Gloucestershire County Council M5 Junction 10 webpage.
05 October 2021
Statutory consultation to be held
On 16 June 2021, Gloucestershire County Council published a preferred route announcement (PRA) and are now progressing with Option 2.
The preferred scheme incorporates design changes which have been made based on the public feedback from the options consultation. . Gloucestershire County Council are happy that the chosen design presents the best opportunity for a scheme which meets the needs of its users and the local community, addresses the scheme objectives and delivers a return on investment.
Gloucestershire Council Council are holding a statutory consultation from 8 December 2021 to 15 February 2022 (a ten week consultation) on the latest proposals. This consultation will include face-to-face and virtual events so you can learn more about the proposed scheme and have your say. This feedback is important because it will help Gloucestershire County Council to shape their proposals before they need to apply for their Development Consent Order. This scheme has been classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project, which means Gloucestershire Council Council need to submit a ‘DCO’ and not just a normal planning application.
After the statutory consultation, Gloucestershire County Counil will develop and submit their DCO application to the Planning Inspectorate. After the statutory consultation closes, Gloucestershire County Council will analyse and consider the feedback from the public make further refinements to the proposed design and plan their mitigation measures. They will record and carefully consider all responses received during the consultation when finalising the DCO application and before submitting it to the Planning Inspectorate. When the Planning Inspectorate receive and accept the application, they will appoint an independent Examining Authority to carry out the examination.
Project information
At the moment, Junction 10 is a ‘limited movement junction’, which means it only provides access to the northbound M5, and from the southbound M5.
Traffic can’t leave the M5 northbound, or join the southbound M5, and this puts more pressure on already congested local roads close to Junction 10. It also means more traffic has to use Junction 11.
Gloucestershire County Council is proposing to change the layout of Junction 10, to provide an ‘all-movements junction’. – this will mean traffic will be able to join or leave the motorway both southbound and northbound.
This work is being funded by Homes England’s Housing Infrastructure Fund and developed as part of a package of improvements by Gloucestershire County Council. It’s expected to bring a range of environmental, economic and social benefits.
It will make it easier to build and develop housing and business sites in the area. And the new layout will also improve access to and from the motorway for emergency services.
As well as an upgrade to Junction 10, Gloucestershire County Council’s package of works also includes:
- A new link road from Junction 10 to west Cheltenham
- Widening the A4019 to the east of the link road
You can find out more about the scheme on the Gloucestershire County Council website
The key benefits of the proposed scheme will be:
- Making it easier to develop proposed housing and employment sites in west Cheltenham
- Reducing congestion and associated noise and improving air quality on local roads and the M5
- Better access for residents, M5 users and emergency services
- Reducing emissions, as fewer vehicles will need to idle and stop/start their engines
Related road projects
Upgrading Arle Court Park and Ride (now referred to as Arle Court Transport Hub) and improving the A38/A4019 Coombe Hill Junction were also included as part of the package of improvements funded by Homes England. Gloucestershire County Council is managing these projects separately.
More information about the Arle Court Transport Hub proposals.
More information about the improvements at the A38/A4019 Coombe Hill Junction

Traffic information
Information about scheduled roadworks and events on our motorways and major roads.X
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