National Highways and Plantlife announce biodiversity boost


17 October 2023

Press Release

National Highways and Plantlife announce biodiversity boost

National Highways and conservation charity Plantlife have joined forces to launch a new £8 million programme that will improve species and habitats across England - benefitting people, nature and wildlife.

The Meadow Makers projects will help restore the biodiversity of over 100 hectares of grasslands across seven sites in the South West and North East.

Wildflower meadows across England and Wales have depleted by 97 per cent since the 1930s and the aim is to drive up grassland restoration, which focuses on creating an abundance and diversity of plants and fungi.

Species-rich grasslands are extraordinary ecosystems, with native wild plants at their heart. Soils bursting with life, fungal networks covering thousands of miles, carbon uptake, flood mitigation, nutrient-rich additive-free grazing, our cultural heritage and the inspiration for iconic artists and writers over the centuries – meadows and grasslands are simply magnificent in many more ways than first meet the eye.

The Meadow Makers project will go beyond caring for the three per cent of wildflower meadows that remain in the UK and will work with third-party landowners to deliver restoration and creation on species-rich meadows.

By partnering with Plantlife, the ambition is for species rich wildflower and waxcap grasslands to be restored and protected at scale.

By 2040, it is hoped the project will contribute towards the wider goal of restoring 100,000 hectares of species-rich grassland.

Stephen Elderkin, Environmental Sustainability Division lead for National Highways, said: “We’re committed to significantly improving biodiversity near our road network. The partnership with Plantlife will be a vital step in delivering a more sustainable road network that protects and enhances the environment.

“With competing pressures on the UK’s land, it is now clear that organisations like National Highways and Plantlife need to make the most of the country’s grasslands, which cover at least 40% of the UK.

“At National Highways, our work goes beyond operating, maintaining and improving roads; we’re investing in the environment and communities surrounding our network, helping to unlock the creation and enhancement of habitats, and this is an example of the difference we can make with designated funding.

“We were delighted to partner with Plantlife to realise this project – a glowing example of how this funding can improve biodiversity near our roads.”

Ian Dunn, CEO, Plantlife said: “This funding represents nothing short of a step change for grasslands conservation. Working with National Highways and nature-friendly landowners Plantlife now gears up to restore up to 111 hectares of grasslands across seven sites.

“From Dartmoor to Yorkshire, this funding builds on the success of previous Meadow Maker programmes to provide a road-tested map to a brighter, better future for grasslands, one of our most vulnerable and threatened habitats(1).

“Restoring our meadows matters; for nature and for people. Healthy grasslands support a wealth of wild plants, fungi and other wildlife(2) and are a delight to be amongst. This three-way combination, with National Highways, land owners and Plantlife is a wonderful example of how working in partnership can be so successful in ensuring a healthy natural world for all.”

Pressures from intensive agricultural practices, development and other land use changes mean only small, fragmented areas of species-rich grassland remain.

However, ancient wildflower meadows and other permanent species-rich grasslands are exceptionally important habitats for wild plants and fungi, supporting pollinators, birds and a wide variety of other wildlife, and need to be protected.

There is also clear evidence that increased species richness in grasslands – particularly deep-rooting plant species – can improve storage of carbon in the soil.

The restoration of natural spaces, at scale and pace is vital to addressing the urgent crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and human health. Healthy, natural grasslands support an abundance and diversity of wild plants and invertebrates, store carbon, and support the wellbeing of local communities.

Plantlife is the UK’s leading charity dedicated to the protection and restoration of the plants and fungi that sit at the foundation of nature’s restoration and is leading the charge to restore 100,000 hectares of species-rich grassland by 2040.

Plantlife has spearheaded grasslands restoration in the UK, having successfully delivered the Save Our Magnificent Meadows, Coronation Meadows and Magnificent Meadows Cymru conservation partnership projects. Plantlife combined with National Highways on grasslands restoration pilot projects in 2020 and 2021.

Isobel Hall, Programme Manager - Meadows Makers, Plantlife, added: “This partnership represents a long-term commitment to working in partnership over 15 years with National Highways and landowners to nourish the landscape with more species-rich grassland that will help accelerate species recovery.

“With the state of nature in steep decline the need for grasslands recovery is pressing; staggeringly, over 97% of our meadows have been eradicated since the 1930s and with that has come the decline of many grassland species including Ragged Robin and Harebell.

“Grasslands deliver a myriad of benefits including carbon storage, flood prevention, water purification and crop pollination so this large-scale drive to restore and create more meadows will help tackle the unfolding and interlinked climate and biodiversity emergencies.”

Since 2015, National Highways has invested around £25 million towards the creation, enhancement and restoration of habitats on or near the motorway and major road network.

Last year, it invested £7m into a combined group of Network for Nature projects with The Wildlife Trusts, which was one of the biggest contributors towards biodiversity improvements in the company’s history.

Find out more about the Meadow Makers project here.

Notes to Editors

Quote references:

2. A single meadow can be home to up to 140 species of wild flowers, including 38 of our 52 native British orchids and the increasingly rare Military, Monkey and Greater Butterfly orchids, compared to most modern agricultural pasture which typically supports under a dozen species. In turn, these flowers support much meadow wildlife; Common Bird’s-foot Trefoil alone is a food plant for 160 species of insects, which support mammals and birds such as skylarks and lapwings.

About the seven Meadow Makers projects:

Under the 15 year project seven sites – six in Devon and one in North Yorkshire - will undergo significant grasslands restoration appropriate to their features. Actions that will be taken at the sites include the reintroduction of an annual hay cut and aftermath grazing regime, seed introduction to increase floral diversity, control of bracken encroaching on field margins, control of species indicative of sub-optimal condition, and the introduction of local sourced green hay to boost biodiversity.

Dartmoor - Equidistant between A38 & A30
• Re-introduction of annual hay cut and aftermath grazing regime
• Control of species indicative of sub-optimal condition
• Seed added to increase floral biodiversity
• Soil testing undertaken to inform future interventions

Dartmoor - Adjacent A38
• Re-introduction of annual hay cut and aftermath grazing regime
• Seed introduction to increase floral diversity
• Control of species indicative of sub-optimal condition
• Bracken encroachment controlled round the edges of fields

Dartmoor - 5 miles to A30
• Implementation of haycut one year in five
• Introduction of cattle grazing regime
• Rhos Pasture - scrub management and potential for plug planting
• Scarification of drier grasslands
• Control of species indicative of sub-optimal condition

Dartmoor - Adjacent A38
• Re-instatement of early hay cut with aftermath grazing
• Seed introduction to increase floral diversity
• Manage bracken encroachment

Dartmoor - Adjacent A38
• Re-instatement of early hay cut with aftermath grazing
• Seed introduction to increase floral diversity
• Manage bracken encroachment

North York Moors - Approx 14 miles to A19 & A64
• Reinstatement of annual haycut and implementation of aftermath grazing
• Better pasture management
• Increased biodiversity through application of green hay or overseeding using locally sourced seed
• Control of species indicative of sub-optimal condition
• Scrub control and ditch filling to benefit marshy grassland

Dartmoor - 5 miles to A30
• Reinstatement of annual hay-cut and aftermath grazing
• Increased biodiversity through application of green hay or overseeding using locally sourced seed
• Control of species indicative of sub-optimal condition

National Highways aims to achieve no net loss of biodiversity by 2025, lead industry peers and the supply chain, and encourage and support communities to connect with wildlife and wild places where they live and work.

National Highways’ Environmental Sustainability strategy sets out the company’s vision to not only mitigate the impact of England’s busiest roads but ensure they can be used as a force for good for generations to come.

It makes a series of major commitments to map out a green future for the 4,500-mile network with a focus on three key areas – the protection and enhancement of nature, carbon reduction and support for community wellbeing.

This includes using land to reconnect habitats, reversing the decline in biodiversity, helping wildlife thrive and building environmental resilience to a changing climate through initiatives such as natural flood management.

Currently in its fourth year, National Highways’ Designated Funds programme, which was allocated £936m for Roads Period 2 (2020-2025), is divided into four funding streams aimed at making the biggest difference and delivering lasting benefits: environment and wellbeing, users and communities, safety and congestion and innovation and modernisation.
