M60 junction 18 Simister Island Interchange
Proposals to create extra capacity at junction 18 to reduce congestion and support economic growth.
Notice of Hearings
The next round of hearings relating to our application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) for the M60 / M62 / M66 Simister Island scheme will take place from Tuesday 26 November to Thursday 28 November at the Village Hotel in Bury.
Details of the venue and how to register to attend in person or virtually can be found in the Notice of Hearings in full:
Notice of Hearings Related to the M60/M62/M66 Simister Island Interchange
If you have any questions about our latest update, email: m60j18simisterislandinterchange@nationalhighways.co.uk
Please note: The Transport Secretary has commissioned a review of the Department for Transport's spending portfolio, including current and future road schemes. While the review is ongoing, we’re continuing with our work on the scheme.
Latest updates
11 October 2024
Pavement surveys
Next week, we’ll be carrying out pavement surveys, scheduled to take place overnight on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 October 2024. These surveys involve extracting core samples from the road surface and reinstating it once the samples have been taken. Temporary traffic management will be in place to ensure the safety of our contractors while the work is carried out.
The survey areas will include the M66 southbound carriageway beneath Simister Island, the slip road from the M62 westbound to the M60 southbound, and the slip road from the M60 eastbound to the M66 northbound. There may be some additional noise at these locations while the work is being carried out.
Please note, the Transport Secretary has commissioned a review of the Department for Transport's spending portfolio, including current and future road schemes. While the review is ongoing, we’re continuing with our work on the scheme,
Read the Secretary of State’s written statement to Parliament of 30 July 2024.
If you have any questions, feel free to email: M60J18SimisterIslandInterchange@nationalhighways.co.uk.
Alternatively, you can call our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000.
01 May 2024
Our Development Consent Order (DCO) application has been accepted
The Planning Inspectorate has accepted our application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) for detailed examination.
As the M60 Junction 18 Simister Island scheme is a nationally significant infrastructure project, we need to apply for a DCO for the scheme as required by the Planning Act 2008.Notice of Hearings Relating to the M60/M62/M66 Simister Island Interchange
Follow the progress of our DCO application
Our application documents are available to be viewed on the Planning Inspectorate webpage.
This page tells you the current stage of the DCO process and what happens in it. We're currently in the pre-examination stage
You can also register to receive progress updates on the Planning Inspectorate's page.
The planning process is likely to take around 16 months including up to six months of examination, some taking place at public hearings.
This Planning inspectorate video explains the stages of the DCO process.
Keeping in touch
Use the link on the right of this page to sign up for email updates on this webpage.
If you have any questions about our latest updates, email: m60j18simisterislandinterchange@nationalhighways.co.uk -
07 December 2023
Preparing to apply for development consent
Since the public consultation earlier this year, we’ve been working hard to develop the design of the scheme prior to applying to the Planning Inspectorate for development consent.
As a result of that process, and in response to your comments, we’ve made a number of changes to the design. These vary in scale from a reduction in the land needed for drainage to small realignments of the scheme boundary.
We subsequently undertook a targeted consultation during the summer, to let those affected know about the changes and understand their views.
What's coming up?
We’re currently getting ready to submit our development consent order (DCO) application to the Planning Inspectorate and expect to do this in early 2024.
Our application will include a wide range of supporting documents including:
- the current design for the scheme
- details of the land required
- a detailed consultation report, summarising the consultation findings and explaining how they have informed changes to the scheme
- environmental reports
All of the documents will be available to view, subject to formal acceptance of our DCO application, on the Planning Inspectorate website.
The inspectors will then examine the application, inviting input from interested parties and statutory consultees. The examination period is a maximum of six months.
Following the examination, the Planning Inspectorate will present its recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport, who will then make the final decision on whether development consent should be granted.
You can find out more about the process by watching this DCO video explainer or on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
Meanwhile, we’ll carry on working on our detailed design throughout this process. If our application for development consent is successful, we expect to start construction work in 2025/26. Construction is expected to take approximately three years.
Prior to starting any work on-site, we’ll be out in the community sharing our construction timelines and detailed plans. This will be an opportunity for people to meet the project team and ask any questions they may have. More details will be shared about how to participate in due course.
In the meantime, we’ll continue to post regularly about scheme progress here. You can keep up to date by signing up for updates.
29 June 2023
Interim report on public consultation
Following our public consultation between 15 February and 28 March 2023 we have produced an interim report.
As set out in our Statement of Community Consultation, the interim report contains the initial feedback and views collected from the public and stakeholders through the consultation response form.
All of the responses will help us to develop proposals further and understand any concerns about the project ahead of the Development Consent Order application.
Read the interim report on public consultation.
If you would like to request a copy of the interim report, please contact us via email: M60J18SimisterIslandInterchange@nationalhighways.co.uk or call us on 0300 123 5000.
What happens now?
We are considering the consultation responses while further developing our proposal for the application for development consent.
Our application will include a detailed consultation report which will summarise the consultation findings and explain how they have informed any changes or refinements to the scheme design.
The report will be available to view following acceptance of the development consent application by the Planning Inspectorate.
The Planning Inspectorate will then examine the application for development consent, with input from interested parties and statutory consultees. The examination period is a maximum of six months.
Following the examination, the Planning Inspectorate will present its recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport, who will then make the final decision on whether the development consent should be granted.
We’ll carry on working on our detailed design throughout this process and, if our application for development consent is successful, we expect to start construction work in 2025.
06 February 2023
Consultation to get underway
We’re preparing to hold a public consultation on the design changes we’ve made to the scheme since our last consultation in 2020.
This is your opportunity to have a say on our proposals and shape the next stage of development.
The consultation will take place from Wednesday 15 February to Tuesday 28 March 2023.
During this time we’ll be holding public consultation events, online webinars and telephone events.
In addition to the design changes, we’ve also carried out additional environmental surveys and monitoring. We want to hear your views on the most recent data and on our plans for reducing the environmental impacts of the scheme.
When the consultation launches we’ll be uploading all of the materials to our consultation webpage, including an online response form.
We have published our Statement of Community Consultation in local and national newspapers, which sets out how we’ll carry out this consultation.
Make sure you are up to date with the latest scheme news by signing up for webpage updates.
27 January 2021
Preferred route announcement
We have chosen the Northern Loop option for improving Simister Island, which connects the M60, M62 and M66.
View the northern loop option map.
For more information about this route, see our Preferred Route Announcement brochure.
This decision follows a two-month period of public consultation which we held in summer 2020, where over 67% of respondents preferred the Northern Loop.
When selecting the preferred route, we considered several criteria, including the scheme objectives, safety, benefits, costs, environmental effects, construction and feedback from the consultation.
This means that we’ll be building a new loop structure to provide a free-flow link road between the M60 eastbound to the M60 southbound, allowing drivers to continue along the M60 without having to leave the motorway, navigate the roundabout and re-join the same motorway.
We’ll also build a new two-lane free-flow road from the M60 northbound to the M60 westbound to replace the existing single-lane, and widen the M66 southbound to four lanes through junction 18.
As part of this project, we’ll also convert the hard shoulder into a permanent traffic lane between M60 junctions 17 and 18, providing 5 lanes in both directions.
Next steps
We’ll now continue with further surveys and assessments so we can develop the detailed design of the improved junction.
This scheme is classed as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) under the Planning Act 2008. This means we’re required to make an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to obtain consent to build the project.
The application will be made to the Planning Inspectorate, who will examine the application in public hearings and then make a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport, who will decide whether or not the project will go ahead.
We plan to submit our application for a DCO by winter 2021/22, and a decision is expected in summer 2023. This short video explains the DCO process.
We’ll be holding another consultation before our DCO submission. This is where we’ll want your feedback on a more detailed design of the junction. We’ll continue to provide updates on this webpage as we progress, and you can subscribe for email alerts when we update this page.
17 August 2020
Consultation now closed
Our public consultation has now closed. Thank you to everybody who took the time to provide us with your feedback on our scheme and the options we presented. We’ll now take time to analyse and consider the feedback we received. You can read our Report on Public Consultation which summaries the responses we received between June and August 2020.
We will then make a ‘preferred route announcement’ following the consultation report. This is where we confirm which option we will take forward to improve Simister Island Interchange. We will use your feedback to help us make this decision.
Although our consultation has now closed, we’d still like to hear from you. If you have any questions or would like more information about the project or what happens next, you can contact us on the following details:
Email: M60J18SimisterIslandInterchange@highwaysengland.co.uk
Telephone: 0300 123 5000 (Customer Contact Centre)
Write to: M60 J18 Simister Island Interchange Project Team, Highways England, 3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BNWe may not post any updates about this scheme for some time while we analyse the responses, but we will be carrying out more engagement with communities and stakeholders when we reach our preferred route announcement. We hope to be able to hold face to face events for this, depending on social distancing restrictions at the time. You can subscribe to be alerted by email when we update this webpage in the future.
This short video gives more information about how we develop major road projects and the process we expect to follow to obtain planning permission to build the scheme.
Project information
In March 2020, the Government’s second Road Investment Strategy included a commitment for Highways England to improve Simister Island Interchange between the M62, M60 and M66.
Simister Island Interchange is one of the busiest motorway junctions in the north-west used by around 90,000 vehicles each day. The junction struggles with such high volumes of traffic above what it was designed for, and as a result suffers from congestion and poor journey time reliability.
The project will improve junction 18 of the M60 and facilitate smoother flows of traffic along the connecting motorways, contributing to more reliable and safer journeys into and around Greater Manchester.
We’ve carried out a preliminary environmental impact assessment of the proposed scheme design we are presenting for consultation. This environmental impact assessment is presented in our Preliminary Environmental Information Report.
We're also producing an Environmental Statement for the scheme, which will be published when complete to support our Development Consent Order application.
The main aims of the scheme are:
Journey experience
Improve the journey experience for users of this section of network by:
- reducing peak congestion
- reducing journey times
- delivering more reliable journey times
Provide an option which is safe for all road users
Minimise the impact of the project on the surrounding environment including within Noise Important Areas and Air Quality Management Areas
Facilitate future economic growth across the Greater Manchester area and support delivery of proposed development sites close to the M60 and M66

Traffic information
Information about scheduled roadworks and events on our motorways and major roads.X
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