A5036 Port of Liverpool access
We're creating a new road between Switch Island and Princess Way to improve access to the Port of Liverpool and bypass the existing A5036.
Following the Government’s budget announcement on the 30 October 2024, the A5036 Princess Way scheme has been cancelled. The scheme was identified as having poor value for money and limited economic benefits for the region.
It’s essential that the schemes we deliver not only offer provide strong returns on public investment but also have valuable and lasting benefits for our customers.
We remain committed to operating and maintaining a safe and reliable road network and will continue to deliver schemes across the region. We will provide further details on the next steps for the projects in due course.
Latest updates
08 July 2022
We are updating our traffic modelling data
As businesses and their staff adopt new ways of working following the COVID 19 pandemic, more people work from home more often. However, although commuting habits seem to be changing, the volume of traffic on our network seems as high as ever.
We have been working to understand the impact of the pandemic on the scheme. Other things likely to have had a significant impact on our proposals are:
- changes in trade patterns following Brexit
- initiatives like the Freeport
- local employment
- commuting habits since the pandemic struck in early 2020
An important part of developing our scheme design is modelling how our proposals affect traffic on and around the A5036.
We need to update our traffic modelling to take account of the impact of all these changes and will be working closely with Liverpool City Region partners to do that.
We will not be in a position to publish an updated project timeline, including when we intend to formally consult the local community and the wider general public on our proposals, until we have progressed our traffic modelling work.
In the meantime, we are also reviewing changes to planning and environmental regulations.
We remain committed to working with the local community to ensure their views are considered and our scheme supports the economic, environmental and social ambitions of the City Region and its residents.
Project information
The A5036 between the Switch Island Interchange and Princess Way is a key commuter route, as well as the main access connecting the Port of Liverpool with the motorway network.
The road currently suffers from severe congestion, which causes delays, safety issues, and environmental concerns. The Port of Liverpool is set to become even busier with the on-going development of Liverpool2, which will add to the pressure on the A5036.
The proposed bypass will take traffic away from communities by Church Road and Dunnings Bridge Road, reducing congestion at junctions and along local roads.
Improving the A5036 will make journeys safer, quicker and more reliable as well as improving local life and regional economic growth.
The A5036 Port of Liverpool project is known as a Nationally Significant Project (NSIP). This means that we must apply for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to proceed with the project.
This short video explains how we develop new road schemes .
Our key aims for the scheme are to:
- improve traffic conditions
- improve safety on the route for all road users and road workers
- minimise environmental impacts and protect/enhance the environment
- support economic growth
- improve accessibility and integration
- reduce future maintenance requirements
- provide value for money

Traffic information
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