Support map for the Lower Thames Crossing

Tens of thousands of people and businesses agree that the Lower Thames Crossing is needed.

We have created the interactive map to show your support. The different coloured pins on the map show information from a variety of sources, including businesses, representative groups, major employers and individuals - they are described in full at the bottom of this page.

Scroll down this page to add a pin to show your support too.

Watch videos from a range of businesses to hear how quicker and more reliable journeys offered by the Lower Thames Crossing would help them grow.        

View the support map full screen

View the support map full screen

The map is best viewed on your desktop computer, however if viewing on mobile, click below to view the map full screen. It will also help to turn your mobile landscape.

Click to open map in a new window

Add your pin of support to the map

Please only enter the first part of your postcode and the first number from the second part, e.g: SW16 7

Over 600 people and businesses have added pins of support to our map since May 2023!

How to use the map

Use your finger or mouse to drag the map around and zoom in, or use the search bar to find an address, post code or point of interest. 

Click on a video icon to watch a video from a member of the local community.

Click on a pin to see more information and click the arrows in the summary box at the top right to scroll through pins.

Add a pin to show your support - complete the form here.

Sources of information

Throughout the development of the Lower Thames Crossing, people and businesses agree that the Lower Thames Crossing is needed. The data shown on this map comes from different sources as detailed below.

Representative groups and major employers

Circled purple pins show representative groups and major employers with over 250 employees or members. You can click on these flags for more information.

These pins range from trade associations, partnerships that bring together business, local government and education partners, support organisations for international and domestic trade and major employers such as ports and distribution hubs.

Dark blue pins show business head offices and distributions hubs and the light blue flags show their dependant stores and hubs in the area. Consent was given to use this data. You can click on these flags for more information.

A number of pins from individuals and businesses on the map are gathered from data collected during our Statutory Consultation, held from 10 October 2018 to 20 December 2018.

Data is taken from question 1a: Do you agree or disagree that the Lower Thames Crossing is needed?
Respondents could answer: Strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree, don't know

The pins on the map are from respondents that selected strongly agree and agree.

The full results for question 1a are:
Strongly agree: 19,051
Agree: 3,415
Neutral: 758
Disagree: 783
Strongly disagree: 2,025
Don't know: 95

A total of 28,493 people responded to the Statutory consultation in 2018, whilst not every respondent answered Q1a. Read the summary of that consultation.

Consultees were asked if the Lower Thames Crossing was needed during the Statutory Consultation in 2018. This question was not asked during subsequent consultations where feedback was sought on proposed changes rather than on the project as a whole.

Data captured via the form above will not be used for statutory purposes and is only used to demonstrate support for the Lower Thames Crossing.

If you responded to one of our consultations, this will be included in the consultation report that will be part of our Development Consent Order (DCO) application. You will also have the opportunity to make representations at the examination phase of our DCO process. View our DCO page here.
