What we've delivered

Upgrading 21 miles of extremely busy road while keeping traffic moving was always going to be a challenge, but the A14 team rose to it, using innovation and technical know-how to minimise disruption on road users and the local community as much as possible.

What we've delivered

The result was the delivery of a new and improved section of the A14 as well as a new local access road, the A1307, eight months ahead of schedule, both opening for traffic on 5 May 2020. Here are a few time-lapse videos we made during construction.

The size of the challenge

The A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon improvement scheme was a road project on an epic scale. If you’ve driven along the scheme during construction and wondered just what it took to build it, have a look at some of the facts and figures below.

View the Size of the Challenge pdf

5 miles of new local roads

We built new local roads connecting Swavesey to Dry Drayton, and Dry Drayton to Girton.

14 million hours worked

The amount of work required to build the scheme was equivalent to one person working for 1,598 years.

126 new lane miles

It's a big addition to the road network, equivalent to half the length of the Grand Canyon.

14,127 people

A scheme of this size creates thousands of people during its lifecycle.

34 new bridges and structures

We've connected a number of villages to each other and to the new A14, and built the road over railways and waterways.

300 miles of utility cabling

We've added cabling to provide electricity and communications for the A14.

Construction photos

With a 21-mile long scheme, there was always a lot of change to see during the four years of construction. Here are a few highlights.

What we delivered
