Lower Thames Crossing - privacy notice

National Highways is fully committed to compliance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK-GDPR). This Privacy Notice is supplemental to our top level privacy notice which sets out how we collect, use, retain and disclose personal data, and describes why we collect and process personal data specifically for the Lower Thames Crossing.

Why do we collect personal data for the Lower Thames Crossing?

On Lower Thames Crossing, National Highways is the Data Controller and therefore collects and handles personal data to:

  • provide a response to a query that has been raised
  • stay in contact with you if you have requested to receive regular updates about Lower Thames Crossing and/or are involved in one of our consultation exercises
  • gather information (including land rights and your opinions) in relation to Lower Thames Crossing
  • stay in contact with you if you have requested to receive updates about Lower Thames Crossing supply chain, jobs, skills or education opportunities, where the information will be passed on to delivery partners once they are onboard

Personal data is collected by us or on our behalf in the format set out in our top level privacy notice and through the receipt of surveys.

Who processes personal data for Lower Thames Crossing?

National Highways' integration partner on Lower Thames Crossing will act as data processor.

How long do we keep that data for?

Personal data will be retained for the duration of the project. Following completion of the Lower Thames Crossing the data will only be retained if it required for the purposes of discharging statutory and duty of care responsibilities, and/or also for complying with National Highways requirements.

Where is the personal data stored?

Collected data will be stored within National Highways and Lower Thames Crossing or any third party’s secure electronic records management systems, with the system being dependant on the nature of the information. Any data being processed in the US is covered by the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.

All systems used by National Highways for Lower Thames Crossing are secure.

We draw your attention to our top level privacy notice which should be read in conjunction with this Privacy Notice.
