A69 improvements

The A69 is an important route joining the A1 with M6 in the north of the country and linking the North East of England with the west coast of Scotland.

Start date August 2022
End date TBC

Latest updates

  • 01 August 2022

    A69 improvements

    We’re carrying out a series of improvements along the A69 in the North East during 2022/23 and are currently planning this work.

    Road works resurfacing

    This includes:

    • Haltwhistle joint replacement - dates to be confirmed 
    • Patching renewals - Ongoing

    We’ll be getting in touch with local communities when we have more information about start dates.

    In the meantime, keep in touch as we update this page by signing up for A69 email updates using the Sign Up for Updates link on the right (desktop) or below on a mobile device.

    Please note, a previous edit of this page referred to a junction improvement at Styford.

    The proposals for that junction upgrade were not popular with local communities and we received a number of objections.

    For this reason we recommended that this improvement should not go ahead to the Department for Transport, which accepted our recommendation in 2021.


Project information


This year we are investing more than £135 million across the North East and Yorkshire in schemes that will improve and maintain our roads.

This work is essential in maintaining the network, keeping our customers safe and supporting the movement of essential supplies and services.

The A69 is a major A-road stretching from the Newcastle Upon Tyne to the M6 in Cumbria.


Traffic information

Information about scheduled roadworks and events on our motorways and major roads.

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