Two major improvement schemes recognised for considerate construction
08 Nov 2023
Our work to upgrade two busy junctions in the south east have once again been rated as excellent by the Considerate Constructor Scheme.
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The projects on the M2 at junction 5 in Kent, and the M25 at junction 28 in Essex will improve traffic flows and provide safer journeys for everyone at these busy junctions. And both have been rated as excellent by the Considerate Constructor Scheme (CCS) – an independent organisation aimed at raising standards within the construction industry.
An independent assessor visits the sites every six months, and following their latest audit in October 2023, both projects were again awarded the top marks in all three categories – Respect the Community, Care for the Environment and Value the Workforce – resulting in final scores of 45/45.
"I would like to thank the project team for the continued excellent work they are portraying of the construction industry, and for the excellent engagement they continue to employ to understand the impacts that the works have on the community, and how they can minimise this as much as possible."CCS assessor following their visit to the M2
With extra marks up for grabs for innovation, our approach to community engagement took us to an amazing 46 out of 45 for the M2!
Project manager Dan said: “The complexities of the building a project of this size cannot be underestimated, and I am delighted that our efforts to do so with consideration for our workforce, drivers, the local community and the environment continues to be recognised as industry leading.”
You can find out more about the activities we've been doing in the community around our improvement scheme on the M2 on here.
While at junction 28, the assessor praised the project for: “…continuing to conform to the CCS Code of Considerate Practice to an excellent standard. Community communication and support arrangements remain very comprehensive and appearance standards are very high. It is great to see the progress in the site's social value plans and the wide range of community support and engagement activities that have been undertaken to date.”
"I’m thrilled that we’ve once again achieved top scores across the board from the Considerate Constructor Scheme. And having just achieved our first bridge lift – a significant milestone for the project – it’s great recognition of all the hard work that everyone is putting in to deliver this project safely, with consideration to those around us, road users and the environment."Zach, project manager on M25 junction 28
Both schemes are being delivered working with our construction partner, GRAHAM.
You can find out more about the M2 junction 5 and M25 junction 28 on our scheme webpages.