Project update - March 2021

Project update - March 2021

18 March 2021

The Government has cancelled the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway project following comprehensive engagement and detailed analysis by Highways England that showed that options for a new road link do not represent value for money for the taxpayer.

The project was paused in March 2020 following completion of our work into the costs and benefits of a number of route options for a high-quality road link between Oxford and Milton Keynes. 

Since its pause in March 2020, the Department for Transport has further considered the findings of our assessments alongside other transport investment that may be needed in Oxford to Milton Keynes corridor. 

The information we have presented to the Government informed its decision that the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway project should be formally cancelled and this decision was taken in March 2021.  No further work will now take place on the specific proposals.

Although our work has shown there are no options that provide sufficient value for money for the taxpayer, it has provided us with an in-depth understanding of the area and its sensitivities. Through our engagement with local authorities and  stakeholders, we have learned what is important to them and their communities.

The Government is now working with us and England’s Economic Heartland to assess the necessary road and other transport investment that could provide benefits to residents and businesses.  

The Government remains committed to the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet scheme, which offers safety, connectivity, community and economic growth benefits.
