A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet scheme given the green light
25 Apr 2022
Secretary of State grants planning permission to upgrade the route between the A1 Black Cat and A428 Caxton Gibbet roundabout with a new 10-mile dual carriageway and numerous junction improvements.
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Secretary of State for Transport Grant Shapps has granted planning permission (called a Development Consent Order) for us to begin work on the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvements, which will tackle one of the region’s most notorious congestion hotspots.
Our plans include the creation of a new 10-mile dual carriageway linking the A1 Black Cat roundabout in Bedfordshire to the A428 Caxton Gibbet roundabout in Cambridgeshire. Both existing roundabouts will be upgraded into modern, free-flowing junctions with a new junction added at Cambridge Road, improving access to St Neots and its train station.
The project will fill in the missing link of dual carriageway on the strategic road network between Milton Keynes and Cambridge, helping drivers save up to an hour-and-a-half on their journeys every week.
We aim to start construction later this year and will be holding a number of face-to-face public information events and online Q&A sessions to keep the local communities up to date on plans. You can visit the scheme website to find out more.