Proposed changes consultation opens

Proposed changes consultation opens

6 July 2019

We are proposing to make some minor changes to the Amesbury to Berwick Down scheme in direct response to feedback we’ve received during the current examination process.

We are carrying out a public consultation to ensure that anyone who might have a view on the changes has an opportunity to comment.

Eight minor ‘non-material’ changes are being proposed – ranging from adding a new access into a field for a landowner, changing the classification (or road numbering) of certain sections of road, to closing and grassing over a layby near Winterbourne Stoke.

All the changes we are proposing are outlined in our 2-page leaflet and in more detail in our consultation booklet. The consultation booklet can also be viewed at Amesbury Library and Salisbury Library. USBs are available on request.

How to have your say

Please contact us with any comments or feedback by:

Post: A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down, Highways England, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6HA
The consultation runs from Friday 26 July until 11.59pm on Monday 26 August. After it has closed, we will write a report on the consultation and submit it to the examination on 6 September.
