Professional drivers - we need your views!


06 Apr 2022

We’ve launched an online community for professional drivers and want to hear your views.

National Highways online professional driver community

The online community will be accessible via an app or web browser and has been created to allow professional drivers to share their views about England’s motorways and major A roads.

The online professional driver community, which has been developed in partnership with market research company Ipsos, has been formed as a tool for providing feedback, ideas and suggestions.

Those who join will be invited to take part in short surveys, discussion forums and other research activities. The questions will be specifically targeted at professional drivers and their needs that will provide valuable insight for us about this important group of road users.

The topics covered by the community will vary, including finding out professional drivers’ experiences of roadside services, and their unmet needs, views on new technologies, and making the profession accessible to all.

Drivers in the community will also have the opportunity to raise topics they think are important to discuss, and what the key current challenges are.

Incentives to encourage drivers to participate in the online community include monthly prize draws and members will also be invited to take part in smaller focus groups, for which they will be rewarded up to £40 per activity.

Join our Professional Driver Community
"We’re really keen to better understand the needs of professional drivers and show that our customers’ views are helping inform the decisions we make. It’s quick and easy to sign up and you can even be rewarded for your views, so please do join our community and let your views be heard."
Freda Rashdi, Head of Customer Journeys at National Highways

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