The A417 missing link is a three-mile stretch of single-carriageway between the Brockworth bypass and Cowley roundabout in Gloucestershire.It's the only single carriageway of an otherwise continuous dual-carriageway route between the M5 at Gloucester and the M4 at Swindon.
This stretch of road is important to the local and regional economy and lies within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
This will be a landscape-led improvement. Reducing delays is just one of our aims. We want the scheme to enhance the surrounding environment, improve access for local people and help boost economic growth.
The first design review was held before preferred route selection.
The panel advised that landscape considerations should drive the design of route options. It recommended we do more to explain our aims (the design narrative) and create visualisations of key elements of the scheme.
The panel was pleased to see that our design team had given more emphasis to all users, not just motorists.
It welcomed our new empahsis on landscape and biodiversity improvements and the way we took on board addressed broader considerations, like UN sustainable development goals.
The panel commended us for significant progress and thorough stakeholder engagement. In particular, the panel welcomed the way our landscape-led approach was shaping a more respectful project.
Our decision to change the road gradient at Crickley Hill promises to reduce the impact of the scheme significantly as well as improving driver experience. We're continuing to refinement of structure designs.
In the next stages of development, the panel recommends that we: