Revolutionising roads


We know we need to keep innovating to improve experiences on the road, while still getting people where they need to go, safely and reliably. New technologies are helping us revolutionise the roads experience for our customers. This includes supporting the introduction of connected vehicles for more efficient journeys.

The initiatives

We're always looking for ways to use our existing infrastructure to share important information with road users – helping people plan their journeys more effectively. Now, technology advances such as 5G and the Internet of Things are allowing us to use lighting infrastructure to help pave the way for connected vehicles.

In a trial on the M40 near Birmingham, we’ve been testing the concept of ‘intelligent street lighting’. Closed circuit television and communications technology that enables vehicles to communicate is among the kit that we’ve stored inside the lanterns of streetlights alongside our network.

Our aim is to effectively support connected and autonomous vehicles in pushing out and receiving useful information, such as traffic updates, speed limits and diversions. This would involve a large-scale deployment of technology across our network, and street lights may be the answer.

The results

We’re entering a ‘roads revolution’. A time when technological changes could drastically change not only our country’s transport network and roads, but even our concept of mobility. Our innovation and research activities are allowing us to look to the future so that we can predict and respond to the evolving needs of our customers.

Revolutionising roads