Key design changes

Key design changes

Our 2021 consultation showed a broad level of support for the scheme, however some of you had questions about the environment, traffic flows, cycling provisions and the impact on climate change.

Also, in 2022, the Government asked National Highways to pause the development of All Lane Running motorways that were in their early stages. This meant we had to revisit our planned improvements at junction 9 so that they would tie in with the existing road layout.

In our updated design, we’ve:

  • adapted our proposed walking, cycling and horse riding routes, adding a new 3.2km route to the west, connecting Kings Worthy and Winnall, and a 1.7km route to the east, connecting Long Walk and Easton Lane
  • added a new subway next to the National Highways depot, allowing users to cross the roundabout safely
  • extended the southbound slip onto the M3, allowing traffic more time to join the motorway and improve the safety of the junction
  • added a superspan gantry to provide safety information to motorists as well as changes in variable speed limits to help traffic flow more smoothly
  • revised our directional signage and electronic information boards to match the new road layout

M3 junction 9 design changes

