The A122 Lower Thames Crossing would connect to the A2 and M2 in Kent to the A13 in Thurrock and junction 29 of the M25 in the London Borough of Havering. 

It would be approximately 14.3 miles long, with 2.6 miles of this in two tunnels under the Thames – making them the longest road tunnels in the UK. The tunnels would be located to the east of the village of Chalk on the south side of the Thames, and to the west of East Tilbury on the north side.

Southern tunnel entrance
Aerial view of northern tunnel entrance
Lower Thames Crossing and A2/M2 junction
LTC/M25 junction

Shaping the design of the Lower Thames Crossing

We want to build and operate the Lower Thames Crossing in a way that brings the most benefit to the local area and the UK, whilst reducing our impact on our neighbours and the environment.

Since 2013 we have actively sought the views of local communities and road users for 375 days, with more than 90,000 of you giving us your views. We have used your feedback, along with the results of ongoing engagement with a huge range of stakeholders, as well the findings of our ongoing surveys and investigations, to shape the design of the project.

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Our Development Consent Order, seeking permission to build and operate the Lower Thames Crossing

To get permission to build and operate the new crossing, we must seek consent through a special planning process and be awarded a Development Consent Order (DCO) from the government's independent planning authority, the Planning Inspectorate.

We are currently in the recommendation and decision stage. The Examining Authority has written a recommendation report and submitted it to the Secretary of State for Transport, who will now make a decision on whether to grant or refuse development consent. A decision is expected during 2024.

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